So this dream happened when I was around six or seven, it would keep happening again and again together with some other dreams.
The first one is at nighttime, my whole extended family is present and we are standing outside of a factory. One by one everybody starts to disappear until it's just my aunt, sister, mom, and dad. Then I watch them going inside and boxes get produced, labelled with all kinds of meat. Then soon I'd be alone and the dream would end.
The second is the opposite, I would just wake up (in the dream) with two containers of paint, usually green, red, and yellow (sometimes instead of red it was blue). I would then dip my hand in the paint and start printing it all over the walls of the house, nobody was there, I don't know why I would do that, but I just kept painting the walls with my handprints in various colors.
Anybody know what these would mean and why I kept having them over and over? I don't get them anymore but just wondering.