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Confusion at Trumpers - While trying to stay civil

Posted by CRIKORT


Forum: News and Politics

Speaking as a politically active leftist teenager, Im confused why some Americans continue to vote in favor of Trump and Trumpist policies, seemingly against their own self interests. We find that many of Trump’s policies coming into his 2025 term will be detrimental to the majority of Americans, so why?

I’m not trying to pick a fight here, just genuinely curious. Despite what they may want us to believe in the media, we aren’t mortal enemies, just people who disagree.

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Reply by CRIKORT


In particular, a concern of mine lies among the Eldely and retired, who make up a large percentage of trump’s voting block. 

The Social Security Administration is facing quite a few problems over the coming years. The S.S. fund will run out soon, and with Trump trying to eliminate income tax for all S.S. Earners, this fund is rendered empty within less than ten years and raises the federal deficit by more than 2.7 trillion dollars.

Kamala ran on a platform of solvency for higher earners. She would have given the tax breaks to lower and middle class S.S earners, and taxed the higher class and especially the ultra wealthy to support the program. 

While I do see that Kamala’s plan had some elements of long term repair of Southern Security a bit ambiguous, so did Trump’s. I think that it was good on her to start taxing the upper class though, who are the last people who need S.S. Benefits, instead opting to give breaks to those who need them. Giving tax breaks across the board is a bad Idea in my opinion,  because it just removes funding from the system.

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Reply by sonar


simply, you have been led to believe that the opposing party is all shit while yours is not as shit. i would recommend arguing with people on close-to-freespeech platforms, as truly logical and objectively viewpoints are formed there. instead of, you know, being a part of a hivemind

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Reply by Sword of Kings


unfortunately, a lot of americans are ignorant and don't like change. A lot of old heads can't wrap their head around non-white cultures, lgbt's, and a woman being elected as President. So, basically, what trump did is make a slogan like "make america great again" that really spoke to those people. So as a result we have the MAGA , anti-feminist, and "anti-woke" crowd. I really think this is what is driving those people to support Trump. Don't forget that a lot of people also think a woman isn't ready to run as president yet. Which is CRAZY to me because it really makes me realize how dumb the population is here.

Also - I'm from California - I am not sure on the percentages but a lot of younger could-be-voters I spoke to simply didn't vote. They didn't think their vote mattered since we are a predominantly blue state. But look below - our state was so red this election. I managed to talk a few of my coworkers and cousins into voting because at least they can say they didn't vote for Trump.

2024 United States presidential election in California - Wikipedia

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