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Some people deserve what happens to them

Posted by pokina


Forum: News and Politics

Honestly, some people who end up in tragic accidents deserve it and shouldn't get sympathy. Even mrdr victims. We always assume the mrdr is the "bad-guy" but that's just because we don't see it from their side. Sometimes it's about revenge, and it's valid. It's like dth penalty, but more private. Stop automatically giving sympathy to all mrdr victims and do your research first.

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Reply by trixie!


this shouldn't be new nor revolutionary

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Reply by Sa1nt



There are so many cases of murder out of self-defence, yet the victim of the murder gets painted out to be the most angelic angel who ever walked the earth. It's sickening how many people are incarcerated for standing up to abusers. Not everyone deserves sympathy. 

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