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I keep dying in my dreams

Every dream that I can remember ends up with me dying in the end. I had one dream where my grandfather owned a church that we also lived in, and at night I ended up in some unknown room where some demon (assuming) choked me to death. But I didn't wake up after that... I was in some office that was supposed to tell me if I was going to heaven or hell. The person at the front desk was the thing that killed me, and only then did I wake up.... I keep having dreams like this and its even worse after getting high or having loads of caffeine. Lowk just might be a coincidence but its still weird to me.

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Reply by PowerMetal_Pal@din


so when'd you get your GAD diagnosis?  If not, look into that.  I have the anxiety glitch. It will aaaaalways be there. Early on, I had dying dreams so much I fully believed I was going to drop dead at any moment. After I got my anxiety under control they lessened, and now I almost /never/ have them. 

I know how useful the american healthcare system is (not) but if they keep on, and keep on, and you know you don't have anxiety, I'd get yourself an MRI/CT or whatever, just to be on the safe side.  There are times those dreams are significant enough to listen. It's not common though. You don't have to be concerned.  (I am also not a medical doctor, take what I say with a grain of salt kk?)

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Reply by *+:。.。𝔸𝕝𝕖𝕩⋆·˚ ༘ *


 Yo también siempre muero en mis sueños no tengo idea de porque siempre pasa eso, pero es muy raro, hay veces en las que trato de despertar, pero no me deja.

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