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Could someone help me out?

I know this sounds rlly vague, I'm sorry. Just been going through a slump since last year and I've been struggling to find the will to actually go through school. It's not that I'm bad at it, it's just I don't want to do it. Is there anyone else who feels the same way or anyone who has any advice? 

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Reply by obi


Two things you can do for that really:

  1. Try to make your school experience more enjoyable. Maybe join some clubs or societies, start some activity? Anything really, there are lots of opportunities just waiting out there
  2. If the environment seems too dry, do balance it with something else in your routine that you LOVE. So you can have 3-4 hours of healthy fun daily, and have the energy to go to school
Also, I know it seems the most tedious thing right now, it is so so worth it. It will be the smartest thing you'll do, trust me

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