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Any other History Majors who AREN'T going for teaching?

I'm a early college highschool student who's currently applying for colleges and honestly, I've had a hard time finding History majors who aren't looking to go into the field of teaching. I intend on becoming a Museum Curator or an Archivist. 

I have a few questions for some people already in college as well. Does having a minor in Archaeology help with jobs when you're a History major coming out of college? I assumed it would open more doors to jobs, but I want to make sure it's not just extra work for no payoff. 

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Reply by Bella


Hi there! I started as a history ed major and switched to historical studies with a minor in public history. I love teaching and plan to pursue it again in the future, but my heart is in museums. To answer your question, it depends! If archeology is something you plan on doing in the future, then I'd minor in it. If not, I would look into public history, museum studies, archival studies, art history, or curation studies. Your program may require you to take museum courses regardless of what minor you decide on. However, the minor itself may grant you to have priority over museum classes. I'd be more than willing to discuss some of the classes I have taken and/or share research/curation projects I've done so you can develop an idea of what to expect. Best of luck!

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Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx


Thanks! I may minor in Archival studies instead after further research.

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