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feeling of other beings watching you

    hey guys im bella, just a forewarning this shit is kinda far out there but just hang with me for a sec. like the subject you read, i get this sense of being watched. but its not by another person, its more of another being or im not sure tbh. i know this sounds super schitzo but i swear im not. i recently went to the psyche for a month for other issues and they never mentioned me being a schitz, no hate to them tho luv y'all. 

    back to the point though, i feel watched. it is not constant but it is enough for me to notice it. i haven't been able to decipher if it is good or bad or just, there. there is no specific time or place that it happens it is just random. sometimes i will lay awake staring at my closet or the window because i will swear someone is there looking at me. re eating this i sound super childish, for context i am 20. i guess the main reason i am messaging on here is because i want your guys stories or to see if i am completely alone. maybe i just need someone to tell me i am batshit crazy and to shut up. please respond or friend me and im me and tell me your stories or just tell me what it could be so i can put myself at ease. much luv xoxo 

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Reply by Mephisto


I don't think you're crazy. I'm gonna put two theories forward, the first is that you may be very sensible to your environment. It may be a faint sound or a small vibration that triggers your senses, think of it like when an animal sense if a predator is nearby. Your brain detect things you're unaware of puts you on alert. That's a natural thing, even though we humans don't live like other animals we still have that biological legacy that makes us behave like that. I may just be your mind trying to protect you from potential dangers.
The other thing I can think of is psychological : do you actually feel safe most of the time ? I don't know anything about you but if you have trust issue or some kind of trauma you may have moments when you fear what's surrounding you for no real reason. Maybe it's the unaware fear of someone creeping on you, or the fear of someone being able to judge you. If you're scared of the way other people see you, or just scared of people in general that could be linked.
Anyway, I'm no psychologist so don't read too much into what a rando on the internet like me may say.

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Reply by Mia Kaykay


I think that there's two possibilities of this. Either there is genuinely something 'spiritual' going on, or you are experiencing paranoia/anxiety. If i were you, I'd recommend to just observe how you feel where and when. Really analyze the situation and feeling. Consider doing some research about this, and learning how to protect yourself spiritually. Last case scenario, I would go to a doctor and get that checked up. I myself sometimes feel like I am being watched, but I just close my blinds and breathe for a bit, tell myself that nothing can really be watching me (if I am at home), and try to shrug it off. I haven't felt paranoid in a while though, so I think that working on myself really helped me a lot. I wish you the best as I know how this might feel. Good luck! 

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