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First off, If you're a Trump supported DNI!!! "Don't hate me because of who I support " I do. "But it's not personal" It is. You vote for him you vote against me. I don't live in America but you're still supporting someone who does not care about me, a youth in society, people like me. The children all over the world and their futures.

To all the women, bipoc, whatever. If you support or voted for Trump, you are sending yourself, your daughter, your niece, your mother, anyone who isn't a white, cisgender, heterosexual, able bodied, male to the slaughter. Children. Fucking children are planning and already have killed themselves. KILLED THEMSELVES. Do you fucking understand me. Children, people younger than me. Because they're scared. Scared to express who they are, scared that someone else will take their life so they'd rather take their own. 
Trump is a never will 'protect the children' he is killing them.

You cannot call yourself alternative at all if you support him. You are a poseur. 

There were so many rigged and fishy things from this election. There NEEDS to be a recount. I'm scared and I don't even live in America, I'm scared for children, for mothers, for wives, for those who are bipoc, the disabled. I'm scared for the entire lgbtq community. Their existence, my existence should NOT be seen as a crime anywhere. 

Trump is a man trying to make laws over women's bodies. He has no rights. 

If you are a woman, lgbtq+, bipoc, trans, alternative. Do not. I repeat do not, take your life. Live for those who have already committed suicide, live so you don't give the fascists, the racists, the cis, white, hetero, 'alpha males' what they want. Do not cry for them, do not run away stand up. Someone asks you about politics, say "I don't talk about politics", someone asks or brings up that someone is trans or lgbt or asks, act like you didn't know, or that that isn't true. If someone you know is an immigrant, "they've lived here their entire life". Understand? 

Basic human rights should not be ignored. I am completely filled with rage and fear of what will become of this world, so many places model themselves to be like America. The whole world will go to complete shit. Land of the free my ass. 

Trump, Trump voters, Trump supporters, people who didn't vote for Kamala have blood on their hands.

Do not let the assholes of the world have hope that they will succeed, so not let them think that they've won. It is not over until we say it is. 

DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. Live. Live for those who sacrificed everything to get to where we were. Do not let time keep going back. 

Don't kill yourself over people who deserve to die more than you do.


Live for your pets, so you can hug them, feed them.


Live for your the things, the people you love.


Live and create things that protest against all the discriminatory bullshit. Write songs, write poems, stories, make art, scream and shout. Punch people in the face and don't stop until they listen and understand the gravity of the situation 

This is  NOT just America.

This is for the world. 

For the trans people considering killing themselves over this please at the very least try to contact this hotline: 877-565-8860
It make take some time until you reach someone but please hold on. The fact that in the past day or two lgbt+ and trans suicide rates have gone up 70% is sickening. An election should not cause this. 

If you are a woman join the 4B movement. protest the patriarchy by abstaining from sex with men, abstain from childbirth, abstain from marriage, abstain from romance. Do not let them control our bodies. 

To all the men who voted for Trump with mothers, sisters, a girlfriend, a fiancé, a wife, a niece, a DAUGHTER. You have failed everyone in your life. I hope you're proud of yourself.

If the climate clock kills us, and Kamala doesn't get in and Trump doesn't get kicked out. We're all doomed. We are all going to die. I will not make it to 18. Some children wont make it to fucking 10. Also not to mention America would have gone all of humans time on earth not having a female as president ever. 


America, and the whole world is struggling in schools at this point. And he wants to get rid of the department of education. 

He doesn't want anyone to be educated enough to stop him.

If you support/vote for him and then have the audacity to fucking complain about him over the next four years don't. Don't even fucking try. You did this to yourself. You made your bed, lie in it.

If The Statue of Liberty (Lady Liberty) falls, gets hit by lighting, is damaged in anyway take that as a sign that what she was there for is dead. Lady Liberty is dead. For the four years Trump may be in the office for she will be dead and she may never come back.

America hates women so much. So much to the point they'd rather have a racist, criminal, Hitler wannabe in control of their life, in control of their every move. Congrats, you have reached a new level of idiocy. 

This entire election is misogyny, cheating, and rigged elections all rolled up into one ball. 

The amount of emotions I've felt is insane. 

This is all I have to say for now. 

Live for those who couldn't. 

Love you all, Stay safe. 


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Reply by Cranky Old Witch


Persisting is an act of defiance. 

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Reply by noki


tell me you dont have any understanding of politics without telling me you dont have any understanding of politics

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