It could be a good or bad dream, but something that you maybe still think about or had very real effects on you.
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Tell me about a dream that really messed with your head
23 Replies
Reply by ★. 🎀 𝑅𝒶𝓎𝒶 🎀 .★
I take melatonin to sleep, so sometimes I get some pretty weird dreams because of it. But I'm pretty much use to them by now. But one time, I had a dream that felt like a cinematic super hero movie. I basically had the ability to fly and I had a friend of mine in the dream with me and the two of us would go around this New York City looking scape and do heroic acts. Oh, and when I said this was a cinematic dream, it was CINEMATIC. I'm talking about intense background music straight out of a Marvel film that would play the entire time and even the acting of every character in that dream felt like a genuine super hero movie.
Reply by Jennifer A
I was about 7 or 8 years old and I had a dream that I was a mermaid in swamp-like water. I came up to this dock. I could see the dock by looking up through the water. I stuck my head up out of the water and looked at the old wooden small house that the dock was connected to. All of a sudden what appeared to be a native american came out of the house and he had a bow and arrow trying to shoot me. I dived back into the water and swam away seeing the arrows hitting the water beside me. To this day this dream still bothers me. I have no idea why.
Reply by Senya (Many Nights)
posted I really don't remember a lot of context from the dream. Just the part that stuck with me for all this time. I had this dream maybe two years ago,but in the middle of it I was standing at the top of the stairs of my family house. There was a short person, who was coming after me? Trying to stab me from the stair right below me?
Reply by theo_the_fox
i had a dream where i killed evryone in my house and recorded the audio and posted it on spoidify as a podcast. i also has another dream where i had a internet stalker and he broke into my house but when i tried to scream i couldnt but then finnaly i screamed and i woke up. it was the most blood chilling thing i heard. i still hear it sometimes.
Reply by ༻ jai ༺
ok so one time I had this weird dream where I was in my room but the lights and color were this really evil red and everything else was highlighted with black and the way I was looking into the dream was like kinda a camera on the floor facing me and following me as I move anyways tho I remember seeing myself jumping bed (it didn’t look like me it was like a clone or like a sibling but obviously it was trying to look like me) and running to my door to close it and it was like really strong wind but the wind was this evil black color that looked like a black hole almost, im on the door trying to slam it then I do after a while then I pick up the “camera” (aka my view of the dream) and say something like “he’s trying to get here” and then I wake up sweating and my heart was literally beating so fast like I was SCARED, but yeah lol I think about that a lot
Reply by Vibez✨
I used to always have dreams of being shot by random people. I got a reading done and asked why do I have those dreams and was told it was a way of me wanting to escape reality. That hit me as I was in a low point in life and I never had another dream like again after I was told that but still think about it often.
Reply by Sage
This sounds absolutely crazy but in this dream I was visiting my boyfriend over who lives in Colorado. When I showed up however it wasn’t my bf it was some random guy who was igz posing as my bf. I remember I met his family and we all went to the mall. This mall was super creepy bcz it was dead empty and my “boyfriend” was only standing in one position with the biggest smile. I walked around but didn’t find much. Then we went back to his house. Note: his house was very creep as well it had a type of backroom feeling bcz it was in the middle of no where, it was a all white two story house, and there was a broken white shed. Anyways fast forward to us being at the house, I remember his mom inviting me to the backyard with them. Now this is where I knew I was dreaming or was not in a safe place. As I walked outside I saw my sister in the backyard playing with a dog but when I turned around and I saw her inside the house. I was seeing two of my same sisters at once. At this point I was maybe lucid dreaming. I remember trying to hide but there was no exit. So I ran to the broken white shed where there was a broken hole leading to a new place. I went through and ended up at my aunts house where she weirdly tried to give me rats. I remember denying the rats and telling her we need to find a way out. My aunt took me to this fancy hotel that was all red and gold inside and gave a sort of 1930’s vibe. We went inside of the elevator but when I walked in she vanished. The buttons on the elevator disappeared and the elevator just kept falling. A sign appeared on the door that said “don’t move, stand still” I remember trying to do what it said but it never worked and then I woke up. Assuming the elevator fell and I died I woke the next day terrified but that's not where it ends. I happened to come across a TikTok video about backrooms and in this video there was a wall in one of the backroom and what was written on it was “don’t move, stand still”. You can look up what I saw but I feel like I may have gotten a taste of what the backrooms are like and since that dream I have been terrified.
Reply by Nexus_Retrograde
One night when I was spending the night with my cousins, I did some shrooms with them and was having a very good experience as usual and so were they. At about only 4 hours into the trip, I fell asleep, but I didn’t even know. I legitimately thought my dream was real and it was trippy as hell. I woke up about an hour later with about 45 mins left of the trip and I was very confused on how I woke up thinking I was already awake.
Reply by ཐི♥ཋྀ tristyn ཐི♥ཋྀ
I never get scared of horror dreams but once it comes to psychological stuff, thats when it gets me but this one really stood out. It also dosent help that I accidentally made it to where theres no defying on wether im dreaming or not.
I was in a phych ward but instead of being like an actual ward it was an old victorian house, there was lots of other children and at one point we were playing hide and seek and i started wondering how long i have been admitted and i saw my reflection in a cupboard so i started to panic and ran around asking everyone “how long have i been here” “how long have i been here” and everyone either said “11 weeks” or “idk” so eventually i ran outside and i was in a little town but it was modern so todays cars and playground. I was with someone standing beside the road and i was talking to them on weather I should just die and wake up or not take the risk that this was real life. Because the person i was with wouldn’t give me an answer on weather i was dreaming or not and all of the ways you can check dont count. I woke up abit later.
Reply by ཐི♥ཋྀ tristyn ཐི♥ཋྀ
I never get scared of horror dreams but once it comes to psychological stuff, thats when it gets me but this one really stood out. It also dosent help that I accidentally made it to where theres no defying on wether im dreaming or not.
I was in a phych ward but instead of being like an actual ward it was an old victorian house, there was lots of other children and at one point we were playing hide and seek and i started wondering how long i have been admitted and i saw my reflection in a cupboard so i started to panic and ran around asking everyone “how long have i been here” “how long have i been here” and everyone either said “11 weeks” or “idk” so eventually i ran outside and i was in a little town but it was modern so todays cars and playground. I was with someone standing beside the road and i was talking to them on weather I should just die and wake up or not take the risk that this was real life. Because the person i was with wouldn’t give me an answer on weather i was dreaming or not and all of the ways you can check dont count. I woke up abit later.
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
Reply by Moss
When I was younger like five or six, I had a dream where I ended up killing my family by hugging them, and it made their hearts start glowing blue and then just pass out. It sounds silly but it really freaked out my child mind.
Reply by sparrowyed
This might be a bit upsetting for people because since the dream was so vivid and I can remember every detail, I am going to state every detail.
So in my nightmare (this was in our old house in England), I was in an argument with my mom. She left the room, pretty angry, and then I and my dad talked, also in a now but light argument. And then, we both noticed my mom hasn't come in a while, so we checked up on her, checking upstairs.
But when we did, my dad was looking up in some sort of horror up the staircase. I was confused so I looked up as well, and we saw my mom hanged with a rope, her neck blooded and cut open because of the rope.
I wasn't able to sleep for an hour.
Reply by Lemonspiderzz
I have these recurring dreams about my parents getting murdered by ppl in white shirts with no faces
One with my mom, it starts out with us walking home after shopping somewhere and I ended up dropping a bag so I tell her to wait for me but she keeps walking, and as she gets to the corner, I see a man(again, white shirt, no face) walk behind her and even tho I don't exactly see what happened, he killed her. Then the dream like cuts? to my being intront of my home with a few police cars on the street and it's ends there
The one with my dad has more personal stuff abt my home n all so I won't say too much abt it but basically in my home, he forgot to lock the door and this woman bursts in and stabs him multiple times and I ended up accidentally killing her with a kitchen knife after she tried to attack me 💤
Reply by Turquoise Tentacle
Desde hace un par de años tengo a esta chica pelirroja en mi cabeza, la primera vez que la conocí fue en un sueño donde tenía libertad de moverme como quisiera, era un jardín muy lindo aunque las flores tenían ojos en el centro, tomé asiento y la sombra de un hombre con sombrero me ofreció un té con un ojo flotando, ella me rogó que no lo bebiera y él parecía muy insistente. Ella me lo arrebató y lo bebió, fue como ver un vidrio quebrarse en mil pedazos.
Cada sueño con ella es... increíble, creo que me enamoré de una chica con la que jamás podré estar, sueño con ella casi todas las noches, algunas veces me ofreció quedarme con ella para siempre. Ella es simplemente incríble con su cabello rojo y sus ojos que nunca recuerdo de que color son.
Reply by Kafka.lover
Siempre e tenido muchos sueños que pasan desde lo horriasta simplemente lo grotesco, los e tenido tanto que asta e pensada que simplemente estoy loca.
El sueño que voy contar ahora es una que soñé hace apenas unos días en mi sueño está en el dalcon de mi casa y entonces hoy que algo estda hay, eran tres perros, pero no se veian normales, sus patas eran demaciado largar como las de las cabras pero más largas asta ser deformes, parecían super maltratados como si los hubieran maltratados o golpeado, con pedazos de piel pobrid calledose, ahora que lo pienso más casi eran como si fueran cadáveres desconniendose. Y uno de ellos el,que mas recuerdo tenía los ojos muy lastimados, estdan salidos de sus cuencas, estdan con pus e infectados pero aun asísentia el tenía la mirada fija en mi.
Pese a su apariencia mi primer instinto fue gritarle a mi padre que estda en la otra habitación para en el sueño para que los pudiéramos a llevar al veterinario, me hace que a ellos y los acaricie para instar reconfortarlos, entonces el de los ojos las timados me mordió la muñeca, al principio no lo hizo nada fuerte, no me dolía así que no me aparte, pensé que solo estada asustado pero poco a poco su mordida empezó a dolor más y más pero yo seguía sin apartarme, no se creo que era por que tengo un corazón muy débil cuando se trata de animales y solo podía pensar en que quería ayudarlos. Entonces llegó mi papá y intento alejarme de los perros, el perro no me soltó y mi papá seguía jalandome asta que mi piel se desgarro desde mi muñeca asta mi codo el perro arranco mi piel, todo estda lleno de sangre sentía mucho dolor y entonces desperté.
SSolo me pregunto ¿Que carajos eran esaos perros?
Reply by james
i had a dream where i was in an abandoned house behind my elementary school. I was exploring it on my own. it was a really old decrepit house with tons of hoarder-like rooms and a big open bottom floor. I made my way up to the second floor and I was in this smaller room that I somehow knew was a parent's room. There where two small beds and trash all over the place (it was obviously a hoarder house). There was a small room to the side of the room, about as big as a small closet. I walked in there. There was 1 small bed, a desk, a chair, and something in the chair. There was no windows and hardly any light. The thing in the chair looked dark and shiny, so for some reason i pushed it. It turned out it was a rotting, decomposing human corpse. The neck broke and snapped, I could hear it, and the face looked straight at me. The jaw was falling off, rotten with black mold all over it. There where still eyes in the eye sockets, but there was no pupils- it was just white. It didn't scream at me, but I felt like it did. I ran out of the house so quick LMAOO but it was terrifying and literally shook me up so bad.
Reply by Anon3469
okay okay i don't talk about this much, but every night i seem to have nightmares n they mess with me sm but there's one that has stuck with me for a while now.
so i was in my home like usual, on my bed js doing shit on my phone (average teenager stuff yk) and there was a like a notif from YouTube. I opened it, bc like i was doing nothing so y not and when i opened it, there was a bunch of people being tortured. I got really uncomfortable, which i mean oh idk GUESS WHY. Anyway, so i was freaked out over that and then my screen turned off, and another notif came up. This one said, "You have been chosen" n i started freaking out. Then i blacked out. I don't remember anything in between this stage but afterwards i woke up in a big ass metal room with 4 other dudes with me. Clearly none of us knew what we were doing but then we were going thru the things i saw in the video. I can't remember all the details but the last part i know is i was stuck in a room and there were big ass machine cogs on the ground and i had to run around and try not to get crushed. But after fighting for my life so much i got caught in one of them, but the machine turned off so not my whole body got caught in it, only the lower half of my torso. But for the rest of my "dream" i was stuck there and left to die.
Not sure what this means but yuhhh funzie
Reply by muskog
one time i dreamt that i had a black grandma who was dying of kidney failure. i sat with her all night with my head on her lap, just talking for hours and hours and feeling so sad until i woke up. the weird thing? im not black. everything in the dream felt so real, it was almost like i had to 're-remember' my own memories when i woke up. i also feel like i might have been female in the dream, but it was a long time ago and i dont properly remember.
also, i used to get this recurring dream where i was in a helicopter, i realise ive been hit by something, and the last thing i remember is falling through the sky as debris is falling around me and thinking 'huh. i guess im going to die', but feeling strangely calm despite my 'physical' panic.
i have no interest in planes or helicopters or war movies or anything like that, so i dont know what could have sparked it.
i firmly believe that these are memories of my past lives. it was like being a completely different person, indescribable.
Reply by Seth
I had a dream once that I had constructed a robot.
It was humanoid, bipedal, but it looked more like a skeleton than anything else. It's frame, and "bones" for lack of a better word, were made of what looked like a red anodized steel.
Months flew by in the dream as we became fast friends. We talked a great deal about a wide variety of subjects. One day in the dream she asked me about death, and I told her that she didn't need to worry about it. There would always be failsafes upon failsafes allowing her to cheat her equivalent of death - being shut down, powered off, with no ability to be switched back on.
She asked me what I would do when I died, and I told her of Christianity, Heaven, and my Faith. She asked if there would be a Heaven for her if she were to be powered off indefinitely, and I couldn't answer her. I gave her a hug.
The next day I couldn't find her. I went outside, around the back of the house, and I saw a makeshift tombstone, and a loose patch of dirt with her red, anodized, steel fingers rising just a little out of the surface of the ground. She left me a note, said she would rather just get the bad part over with.
Then I woke up.
Reply by Ashe
I get labyrinth dreams. It's exactly what it sounds like, I'm wandering a labyrinth endlessly until the dream is over. The best comparison I can draw is like the backrooms before people started giving it lore - an empty, endless, logic-defying liminal space that I'm trying to find a way out of.
They're not even particularly bad, I think it's just the dread and the liminality that really get me. I'm lucid in the sense that I'm in control of my dream self, but I don't have real-world memory or knowledge that it's a dream until I've woken up. I think the lack of knowledge is what gets me - it's almost like being in purgatory, endlessly wandering with no idea what's ahead and no idea if/when I'll escape. I've actually ended up with a phobia of long hallways and start having anxiety attacks when I can't find an exit (think Ikea) specifically because of these dreams.
Reply by crucifixcannibal
i had a dream i wuz raising a baby satan.. liek there was this golden carved bowl with red liquid in it, and in the middle of the bowl there was a fetus or whatever. so this white cat crawls out from my under cabinet and gives me hints, and turns out i needed to read out a certain book to get rid of the demon, i read it, and got woken up with some sort of loud chinese "gong" or whatever..i genuinely thought i had 2 cats in my bottom cabinet for days and thought they died or something..
Reply by Bag Man
Few months ago, I was lying in bed. Lights were on but it was dead quiet in the house. I had my face buried in my pillow with my arms under it for the extra support as one does. I fell asleep fairly quickly but entered some sort of lucid nightmare state. Not quite awake, not quite asleep. Something came up from my bed and started to grab at my arms, trying to pull me forward. For context, my bedframe had a medium sized gap between the head and the mattress, about 3 or 4 inches. I immediately woke up, feeling the pain still lingering in my arms. As if they had been let free from being constricted. I went back down, thinking nothing of it. The process was pretty much the same as I was dead tired. Then it happened again, but I got a good look at its face. Or lack thereof. It was an exposed skull, the flesh was a black goop, peeling and melting like it was rotting off the bone. It terrified me. I couldn't sleep for almost 2 days, doing everything I could to stay awake. Looking back at it now, it was probably just the fact I was lying my head on my arms which causes the constricting feeling combined with my tired and naturally paranoid state causing the nightmares. But I still have a lingering feeling in the back of my head that, that wasn't entirely the case.