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Genuinley considering dropping out

I know it's typically not glorified in any sense and is widely considered a bad idea, but I genuinely want to drop out of high school. Recently being in school has made me unironically depressed, and looking at my grades makes me nauseous. I used to be a straight A student, now I'm barely passing with all D's, besides, ironically, my one AP English class where I have an A, but that's bound to drop soon isn't it? I'm autistic and have ADHD, so I struggle with learning and none of my teachers want to or even try to help me. They usually shame me for asking questions or make sarcastic jokes and back handed comments about me (which I hate.) 

The only reason I haven't ironically is because 

1. My psychiatrist, clinicians, etc are begging to keep me in public school because they believe I'm extremely isolated and they believe I'm at risk of developing full blown Schizophrenia. 

2. I want a job. 

If anything I might just quit all this and become a religious sister or something. 

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