I'm going to assume this is a genuine question, and I'll treat it as such
The short and sweet answer to this, imo, is it doesn't make sense. By pure definition, but that goes for Anarcho-capitalism just as much.
long-winded explanation is: stateless society does not automatically
equal no social philosophy/hierarchy as such. This will vary between
strains of anarchism, obviously, but in terms of Anarcho-nationalism it
means: a stateless society that maintains racial segregation, and rather
than nationalism bound by country lines (?) nationalism that founds
itself off of ethnicity/race. Ergo communities that are homogenous (think, like, a community of just white people or asians and it goes on like that, you know? - though that begs the question how far Anarcho-nationalists are willing to take this segregation,,, is it enough to just go by race or are we going to divide into "country" again? in which case, doesn't that just.... reintroduce the concept of countries under a different name? I don't know.), but still follow other core anarchy ideals (non-capitalist, politically horizontal, etc.)
still think it fundamentally stands against some of the core values I
think of with anarchy (or generally, left-wing ideologies) but I've
never understood political syncretism anyways.. I guess it requires a
heavy amount of cognitive dissonance tbh.