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When we die, our souls cease to exist. Thoughts?

As the subject says, I believe that when we die, our souls; just like our bodies, are no more. Do you agree with me or do you believe something else? 

Topics of death and the afterlife have so much mystery surrounding them and I and so curious to hear everyone elses beliefs.

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Reply by Juliana???


After we die our bodies still exist they just have no life in there. That's a called corpse lol. I'm 100% sure some people come as ghosts but idk what the freak happens after cuz ik some people move on past that. a lot of people have 'come back' from death and say all this crazy stuff about God and whatever but the dictionary definition i just copied from Google is "the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue." PERMANENT. Meaning you don't come back from that. I think that part is important. Maybe you might stop existing, like stop having a conscience, at some point. I guess I'll find out...unless that IS that case and you just stop. Then I guess I won't know. So there's really no point in thinking about it. You could be right or you could be wrong. But you'll never know most things for sure and that's the beauty of life dude.

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Reply by Alan4567


bueno hay que tocar dos puntos aquí

  1.  El cuerpo: el cuerpo es algo material, algo físico que se pudre cuando morimos y termina siendo parte de la tierra, no deja de existir, solo se transforma.
  2.  El alma:  el alma como muchas religiones nos lo dice es la parte inmaterial de las personas que da vida al organismo "nuestro cuerpo". Yo creo que cuando morimos nuestro cuerpo y alma se dividen para ir al cielo, esto es lo que yo creo pero tambien creo que solamente reencarnamos en otro cuerpo

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Reply by Rascally Skramp


bold of you to assume we exist now

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