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Things I wanna watch but am not sure about!


So, I live in the US, and don't really watch a lot of shows or movies, like I used to with my parents! (that I have since moved out from because I had an unhealthy relationship with them!)

I would like to get back into watching things, and would LOVE some input on a list of shows, movies, and some other things in the replies if you have watched them. Below this paragraph, I am going to put things I would like input on in red, things I am trying to access/currently accessing in purple, things I am currently watching in blue, and things I have finished watching in green. There will also be things I have abandoned in orange, because I have undiagnosed ADHD, and will drop interests from time to time. All of these colors will change freely! I might even make a blog on here (probably with spoilers!) for everything I have finished watching! Also, PLEASE KEEP THINGS MOSTLY SPOILER FREE. Although I would like spoilers for content warnings, and/or TINY SPOILERS for parts that that you loved. I am mostly doing this for other people, because from time to time, I like spoiling a bit for myself.

Here's everything I have so far in alphabetical order (that I will add onto when I feel like it.):

Carol At The End Of The World

(all of the) Hello Kitty Movies + Shows

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures (all parts in order, but I'm ESPECIALLY excited for Steel Ball Run, cause I've heard it's VERY GOOD)

Madoka Magica (the movie AND anime)

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Panty and Stocking

(all of the) Sailor Moon Movies + Shows

Squid Game

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Reply by swaghaver


i haven't seen all of these but here's some input on some of them. (also the colors on your text aren't showing up)

panty and stocking i found to be a super fun watch. it's also one of the few instances of the dub being better than the sub, i just think it feels more natural. the animation is also super good. as for warnings, there's a bit of nsfw (not a lot of it shown but there's the occasional scene of a character having sex) and sex jokes, and a lot of swearing. i haven't seen the show in a while so i could be missing something.

i've only seen the first season of the original sailor moon (46 episodes) so i can't speak for all of it but i liked it, if a little slow in story progression at times. the art is super charming and the way the cast interact with each other feels pretty natural. there's a decent amount of filler (which is why i said the story progression felt slow), but it's not too bad.

madoka magica i loved but it's a little bit of a painful watch because of how tragic the show is (but that's also why i liked it). there's not a lot i can say without spoiling the show, but there's a lot of horror elements and disturbing content.

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Reply by deathrockboy


neon genesis evangelion kicks ass you should see it.

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Reply by goose


i can definitely recommend jojo's

only watch evangelion if you're really in for a mindfuck and make sure you do it in the right order :3

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