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Senior life/ college exploration

Posted by Skittle


Forum: School, College, University

I have a bit of a problem. I have no idea what I should do once I graduate highschool.  I just started 12th and I already have people asking me about my plans and if I'm applying for scholarships etc.

I have nothing. From a very young age I've wanted to be a vet tech but freshman year of highschool changed ALL of that. I don't have that strong of a want anymore. Like yeah, I would love to work with animals but eh. I was thinking about working at a normal hospital, with people but I'm pretty bad with interacting with new people and large crowds so I would much rather do lab work. On the other hand I want to further my education on art and makeup, I mean I would LOVE to work with makeup full time or draw and sell my stuff, maybe even make animated films.

My mom thinks I should go with the medical because of the good pay and she wants me to have a strong foundation.... So basically spending years of my life doing med just to go back to school to pursue art :( that's a lot. Also, I'm in a program at school that will eventually lead to me taking certification tests and shadowing at hospitals. So I basically have a good job I can do straight out of HS if I pass the test..... But is that really what I want to do?

I'm so lost right now, I don't know what my best decision would be.

Edit: I'm going to study cosmetology and then go to a sfx makeup school, maybe also do business management classes but yeah, I love makeup and it's just like art. I also think that would be best to get me out of my shell and it would actually be something I enjoy 

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Reply by zainab


Hi! I am currently a university senior studying Communication Design (which is really similar to graphic design, although it's a little bit more complicated and more corporation based).

I say apply for as many scholarships as you can based on your major or just in general - I think your school counselor may be able to help or just looking online? If you are in the US, be sure to apply for FAFSA as soon as it opens so that way you can maximize your financial aid funding.

You said "I'm pretty bad with interacting with new people and large crowds" - I have tabled at a convention before and several markets - I will say in order to sell art like that it requires a lot of social activity online and offline. You have to be sure to greet people who come up to your table, and sometimes that's a little awkward when they don't want to buy anything or if they're a little weird.

The animation industry and communication design industry is notoriously bad right now for jobs though - at least from what I've heard. I lowkey regret pursuing this major as a career choice since I feel like it may not work out - but it has introduced me to a lot of techniques and methods of art that I have more of a sense of direction of where I want to go with my life and art.

You can always have an art minor or even double major if you think you can handle the work! But you can also make art a side hustle - to me, art is most enjoyable when I am creating it for myself instead of an assignment.

Be sure to research course catalogs for your major as well at universities you decide to apply to!

I hope this helps!

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