I have a bit of a problem. I have no idea what I should do once I graduate highschool. I just started 12th and I already have people asking me about my plans and if I'm applying for scholarships etc.
I have nothing. From a very young age I've wanted to be a vet tech but freshman year of highschool changed ALL of that. I don't have that strong of a want anymore. Like yeah, I would love to work with animals but eh. I was thinking about working at a normal hospital, with people but I'm pretty bad with interacting with new people and large crowds so I would much rather do lab work. On the other hand I want to further my education on art and makeup, I mean I would LOVE to work with makeup full time or draw and sell my stuff, maybe even make animated films.
My mom thinks I should go with the medical because of the good pay and she wants me to have a strong foundation.... So basically spending years of my life doing med just to go back to school to pursue art :( that's a lot. Also, I'm in a program at school that will eventually lead to me taking certification tests and shadowing at hospitals. So I basically have a good job I can do straight out of HS if I pass the test..... But is that really what I want to do?
I'm so lost right now, I don't know what my best decision would be.
Edit: I'm going to study cosmetology and then go to a sfx makeup school, maybe also do business management classes but yeah, I love makeup and it's just like art. I also think that would be best to get me out of my shell and it would actually be something I enjoy