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Anyone remember Ruby Gloom?

It's still one of my favorite cartoons ever, my favorite character is Morose

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Reply by Pukey


I can only remember watching that one episode where misery sang in her sleep, I really love the show's artstyle. I also made Morose in GL2

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Reply by LovelyCorpse


Oh. My. God. YES!

I think I discorvered it on netflix years ago when I was a kid and watched it. Loved it. Loved the characters and how it was dark but also wholesome at the same time.

 I used to watch this show with my grandmother who also loved it very much. We recentlty rewatched the first episode recently and it as awesome as we remembered.  Good stuff.

I don't think I remember Morose unfortunately which means it's time for a rewatch, but we both love Gloom.

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