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The 'Ghost' 'Dog'

Posted by Teenage_Faceland


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

[The Following is a recollection of an actual para-natural experience]

I was a young child, around six years old when this occured.

We had recently moved back into our house following a renovation, and I couldn't sleep

Of course, being young I had opted to play on the floor of my bedroom, in the middle of the night, with the lights on

Despite the fact both before and after the renovations we had never owned a dog, I felt the prescense of one in my bedroom, it was a playful one and I could almost see it, albeit my vision of it was not a lucid one, it was more of a congreation of colourful spots in my vision that vaguely resembled a dog.

Has anyone else experienced phenomena similar to this before?

I will also be willing to provide any additional information when/where it is required

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