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Left vs. Right
17 Replies
Reply by Hannah (Blondie)
You’re making it too wordy. I’m thinking about editing and just making it LvR. #emoticon
Reply by BoJack
Donald Trump won the 2020 election. I fucking called this election back in September. I said that Trump would win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania on Election Day, but that magical mystery-ballots would show up out of nowhere and be 99% for Biden. And then it happened exactly fucking like how I said. I nailed it. The Establishment had to rig the game to get their power back. No one's fucking buying it except the Democrat partisan hacks who are so politically illiterate and retarded that they have no reason to even be voting.
Reply by Hannah (Blondie)
Oh I know, right. The Dems are so establishment that it hurts. Bernie probably could have beaten Trump, but the Dems hate their own base so much they through out the one candidate that could win in order to place their illegitimate choice. And to place this subpar choice they are now fighting lawsuit after lawsuit. Several are up to the Supreme Court and they will be deciding on the soon.
Reply by Hannah (Blondie)
Groups aren’t available yet. We used forums before groups were a thing. I’d be ok without groups tbh. But I definitely will utilize them if I have access.
Reply by Hannah (Blondie)
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix
I think folks are already overwhelmed enough with pyrrhic arguments on mainstream platforms, to be perfectly honest. If there isn’t a specific point of contention to talk about and resolve, more general adversarial conversations take a lot of effort from both parties without any real progress made in striking up a relationship between either party. Sooo it would make sense to me that most folks try to keep out of dust-ups.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix
Start a thread, and we can go from there! I’d prefer not to meander and get off topic from the OPs original intent, unless they want to steer the conversation.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Reply by Hannah (Blondie)
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Reply by Werx(716)
I'm a Gen Xer. Old I never subscribed to a party. I won't go into but it was somewhat obvious in my generation to not. I will say this. Do you ever find it odd that extremely successful people often do not care about "political leanings"? They look at it almost like fan fiction or cosplay. It would seen that it simply is not a variable to participate in but simply understand. Odd.
Reply by lydon bane johontser
Reply by Gypsy leigh
Bingo. It's sad to me, people divided. Nothing in life is ever black or white. People have different problems depending on a lot of factors. Politics have ( possibly always been) a cult. People have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated to believe you have to choose a side. At that, people just parrot what they hear others say. Very little individual thinking here. The ethic of looking at issues and not parties has( if it ever existed) has long since been gone. The ideology of " one group of people bad", has been and still is a dumpster fire. Bigotry is still bigotry. Whether it's done based on gender, sexuality, race, spirituality, political parties. I'm pretty sure there's good and bad to all things. If we stop letting the ones who get paid a LOT of money to divide us, we might indeed, get more done.
Reply by Alex_Sakh
Reply by Golden
pagara ustedes,han visto un estado de izquierda triufar estados unidos por culpan de la izquierda se va quedar en unos tiempos como venezuela por eso europa se estan desarrolando la ultraderecha para no depender de los estados unidenses y tambien la derecha ha tenido mas desarrolo y triufor en muchos paises como el falangismo,fraquismo,la derecha de rumania,alemania y paises de latam