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The Realms of Dreamscapes

Good morning. 

     I've noticed while going through forums and reddit pages that a lot of us, if not the majority of us who live in the western side of the world have similar dreams. I am of the belief that dreams are a place where our consciousness is truly itself and able to experience things that this world with it's physical barriers making it impossible to fly via jumping, or going place to place so fast and almost instantly. 

     There seems to be several different areas of this realm or maybe its a separate realm for others that people dream. Like there is the city scape realm, the school realm, the store realm and then the endless bathroom room, often times grungy and gross to behold. There seems to be so many, yet I've never met anyone from my dreams who I thought would be real in my actual life. But that doesn't mean I think it's impossible. 

What are your thoughts? I'd love to see different experiences and different thoughts on this matter. 


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Reply by ATLAS


I've been able to share dreams with people before. I've had instances where I have a dream that featured  a friend of mine, and when I wake up to recount the story to them, they are able to recount the same thing  almost to the t. It's pretty freaky experiencing it but I've heard that people had the same thing happen?

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Reply by Ash


That's really remarkable actually. how would one get into conversing with someone about dream sharing? 

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