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Please share any supernatural experiences bellow, here's one of mine...

(please excuse any typos, dyslexia amirite)

I've been skeptical ever since I was 13 years old. 

I dont really know what changed in my mind at this age, but something clearly did. I think it was probubly the influx of famous paranormal "investigators" who I had looked up to in my early years being exposed as hoaxes ect. Although, after this experience I like to think of my skeptical views being more natured around me not wanting to be fooled again like how I was prebiously, rather than complete denial of anything supernatural existing at all. Anyway, Ill stop rambling and get to the story now, haha sorry...

It all took place in the winter of 2019. To set the scene, I live in two houses, one built in the 1700's and the other in the 50's, attatched together by a hall and a kitchen. The reason for this strange layout is, when my grandmother lived here as a younger woman she descided to marry her nebour and instead of just buying a new house together, they joined the two houses. Years and years later after the nebour (my grandpa) had passed away, my mum, dad and todler me moved into the uninhabited side of the house to look after my grandmother. It is more like living in one slightly larger house because we share a front door, but we have two stair cases and two living rooms and two upstairs areas connected by a door, ect. 

I was at home with my mother and elderly Yorkshire Terrier, Kiki. We were all grouped in our side of the house's small living room while my dad was at work and my grandmother, the only hevily religeous one of the family, was at church. The living room was at the bottom of a steep flight of stairs leading to our bedrooms and the door to my grandmothers.

At this point, it had been over 12 years since the passing of my grandfather. 

We were watching the TV, and trying to soak up the heat from the small fire place beneath it when we suddenly heard a floorboard upstairs creak. Now, living in an old house, it is very likley that it is going to creak and groan from time to time. In addition to this, being the middle of winter, it could also very well have been snow falling off of the roof, so we thought nothing of it. 

About a minute later, there was another creak. Again, nothing important. 

And then there was another, and another. And, another.

Rather than fear, my mother seemed rather irritated that it was interupting her 'Say Yes To The Dress marathon,' and simply turned it up. No matter how loud the TV was in this moment, it couldnt have covered the sound that followed.

There was, once again a creak, followed by a moment of scilecne, and then a cough. 

I've never seen my mum pause the television so fast and cover my mouth with a trembling hand. We sat still in scilent for what seemed like five minutes staring up those stairs before we heard it again, but this time much louder. 

I will never forget the sound it made. My mum and I leapt from the sofa, grabbed the dog and ran out of tha front door so fast. With no shoes we barrled through the snow and into the car where we sat until my grandmother got home. 

When she did, my mum tried to convince her to call the police because someone must have broken into our house. My grandmother asked what the sounds was and, upon finding out told us all too come back inside. She armed herself with a kitchen knife and checked around the house, top to bottom and informed us that there was indeed nothing there. 

She had a quick convosation with my mum, who quickly calmed down afterwards and, for week after that, we all proceeded on as if nothing had happened. 

The following Saturday night through to the morning was when things took a turn..

We were all in our beds sleeping when my mum woke suddenly and went downstairs. Even in the half light of my night light, I could see the worry on her face as she crossed the hall outside of my room.

My memories of the next hour are a bit squiffy as I was in and out of sleep, but I remember her coming and waking my dad and then them coming and getting me up and panicking because they couldent find the key to my bedroom window. 

We all then went downstairs together and, straingly enough, out into the garden.?

This is where the bracing cold woke me up and my memory returns properly. 

I was quickly carted off to a family friends house and not allowed home for the next three hours. The rest of the story is all what I was told over a year later by my parents out of bordem during the 1st covid lockdown...

The coughing that was heared was that of my deseased grandfather who died coughing due to his illness mixed with years of breathing in aspestos from his time working as a builder. My grandmother had recognised it imediatly and has explained it too my mother, hence why no one called the police. The next saturday after that, my parents had descussed having a medium come in too make sure it was infact my grandfather, and that very evening, a massive gas leak had started in my house. My mum had a terrible memory of "something" turning on the gas and off-ing us all in our sleep, and out of paranoia, had gotten up too check. When she looked, there was in fact a gas leak that, had it been left unoticed for another 20 minutes could have off-ed us all. 

We had to go and sit in the garden while the gas cleared from the house, and the reason I was sent to a family friends house after was so that a preist could come over and preform an excorsism on the house.     

Since the exsorcism I haven't ever had any problems here again, but I don't think my home will ever feel as safe again. Still to this day, I wonder if it was really my grandfather, or if it was something pretending to be him, trying to cause us harm for trying getting rid of it. 

Let me know if you've experienced anything similar and please comment any paranormal experiences that you've had bellow! 

Peace and love! <333

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1 Reply

Reply by alyse / ghost


ya, when i went through a heartbreak last summer it triggered me into being able to sense/see weird shizz.. here's what happened since:

- lifelong fear of the dark dissipated, as if i had an "internal light" that made me brave. the bad thing was it started to attract distorted shadowy figures id see in the corners of my room. ive gotten stronger since and no longer 'see' them (because i decided i DIDNT WANT TO).

- woke up at 4am, felt soso sad all of a sudden, feeling like my dad abandoned me. but he didnt?? i went through everyone i knew in my head to see WHO felt like that. i realized: his estranged mother. THEN it felt like something was ripped from my midsection. akin to Luigi's mansion when weegee shines a flashlight on a ghost and they SPOOK?..huh

- my mom's father died a month before i was born. she always loved to point out cardinals and say 'there's grandpa!!'. one afternoon i got hit with all these messages from him. i tell my mom everything he wanted her to know, of his regrets, etc. a few weeks later i hear this very blunt, unfamiliar voice in my head: "HE HAS MOVED ON".

my mom stopped seeing cardinals for a good while after. weird fishes.

- i love buying cut flowers every week. so i KNOW flowers go bad simultaneously right? one day i started noticing,the flowers would rot, one by one. continued for weeks until finally it freaked me tf out. i was like, s2g there is a mf ghost

went digging in the basement, found a LARGE FRAMED PHOTOGRAPH of the house's previous owner. he had died in the house pretty sure. not sure why he decided to show up at this particular time. i was able to find his next of kin and get that frame out ASAP.

flowers resumed normal patterns, they just dry up now. zero rotting. yikes

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