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Favorite commercial ?

Posted by Pòm


Forum: Movies, TV, Celebrities

What was your favorite or most memorable commercial growing up ?

There were SOOO MANY that came to my mind it was kinda hard to just pick ONE

I don't think this one is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE but it's always lived rent-free in my head especially since I would sing a long whenever it came on lol

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Reply by munchlax


The vodafone short conversations series of ads have to be my favorite

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Reply by bunny


Reply by Pòm


@munchlax , surprisingly I don't recall these.They gave me a laugh, thanks for sharing.

@bunny , I thought this commercial was kinda catchy. I've never heard of American Yo-Kai but might check it out.  +rep for Pop'n Music.

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Reply by rammy



ask any british kid, and they'd recite this off by heart, i get it's not technically a commercial, but it played during commercials and i want to share it lmao

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Reply by Jammer439y8


I fondly remember the commercial for ZooPals paper plates, just thinking about it gives me a quick chuckle. 

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