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Anyone else with excessive daytime sleepiness?

I'm almost always sleepy, most days I end up uncontrollably falling asleep during the day at least once for about 2 hours at a time. I can fight the feeling sometimes, but that is painful and makes my head hurt so much more. I guess to describe the feeling of the sleep attacks for those who don't experience this, it feels like when you haven't slept for a long time and tiredness suddenly hits you except it doesn't matter how little or much I've slept, and your eyelids feel so heavy. You can't control them much and they keep closing, your brain keeps feeling like it's being zapped by a electric flyswatter. You feel half asleep, until eventually you can either fight it off(not very often can I do this), and now you have a huge headache and your brain feels fried(more than usual), or you willingly let yourself completely fall asleep or unwillingly fall asleep, and once you wake, your brain feels extra fried and you're still tired when you wake up and a 50/50 that you'll have another sleep attack. That's how it is for us at least. Wanted to know if anyone else here experiences this too. It's exhausting.

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Reply by bunny


i don't have sleep attacks but i have chronic fatigue so my default state is basically "fried brain".

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Reply by Akira/Joker


Same got chronic fatigue as well 

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Reply by vita


tbh i hate feeling sleepy n sleep during the daytime cuz after sleeping i feel more tired then i felt in the daytime. also sometimes after sleepin my head hurts and i feel kinda warm. and like i always get my weirdest dreams during the daytime sleeping, after dreams like that i feel like anxiety or some strange feelings during the rest of the day 

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