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Anyone else getting weird dreams recently??

I hardly ever have dreams, or at least ones that I remember, but for the past week I've been having back-to-back super weird and vivid ones.

I remember my dream from last night. I can't remember all the details, but I'll summarize it as best I can. 

I was at school, or at least at a school (I dropped out), and I was me, but not at the same time. I just looked a little different; I basically had my dream body. Me and this group of people stopped at some random location, I belive it was an apartment of some sort, and this guy comes up to me and we start chatting (he used my real name and acted like we were besties). We eventually get into one of the apartments with a few others, and while I was sitting, he laid down on my chest, and we watched YouTube together. Thats basically all I can remember. Nothing crazy is happening but me and some randoms hanging out. After that, I woke up crying and in a cold sweat. 

I just want to know if anyone else is having weird, vivid dreams for some reason...

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Reply by Miriam


I keep having dreams about someone getting kidnapped on one particular path in my area that i often follow. Sometimes I see some kind of cult-ish group of people watching something burn on a pile and every dream is the exact same copy of the previous. But in my case it's most likely caused by all the meds i take lol. 

      Although, maybe try to note every single dream down on a piece of paper immediately after waking up and after some time you will see if something makes sense. I do believe that some dreams may warn you about something that is about to happen in the future

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Reply by Mewo☽


Recently I had a strange dream. This dream was about the day of judgment, At first I saw a strange cloud that looked like a ring around the sun, after that I saw a red ray. The city started to flood. I immediately felt my house flooding and that I was drowning, but then I realized that I had survived and I was in a strange place with many frightened people I knew 

There were many people in white clothes in this place, I managed to find out information that they seem to be working for a secret government and that they specially arranged this flood so that the world would move into a new form of existence, and they took only “selected” people to this place 

It was really uncomfortable dream

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Reply by rebelfckinblaze


They're always vivid when I'm having them, but I never remember them in full when I wake up, only bits and pieces. 

They always involve people I've never met before, but still feel familiar, I'm always in a band (though I think the people have only actually been bandmates once or twice to my memory), and it's always in some part of space where different years happen at once (i had one where i clearly remember texting someone about texting about catching a T.Rex show, another where someone in an emo band tee (either mcr or fob, idk which) aluded to a 60s album coming out the year before. I wake up still smelling cigarette smoke, and no one in this house smokes. It's bizarre. 

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Reply by ANDY


Yeah. Its been crazy and it seems theyre getting more realistic.  

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Reply by силикунтз



I had a very strange dream a few nights ago. I was chilling in my sisters apartment in Belgrade when she went full panic mode and told me "You need to cure me I have Iosifs Stalins curse."

Ofc I went wtf and asked her how and she told me to go to this one specific place in Iran to get this mud that would cure the curse idfk. So I went to this bumfuck typical looking middle eastern town to get this mud from the sea. I put the mud in a plastic bag and as I was about to leave Iran I got harrased by (I am not joking about this part) Iranian female sex workers that were telling me "European go fuck yourself etc etc.." AND THEY CAME OUT FROM THIS MODERN LOOKING CASINO IN MIDDLE OF THIS DESERT TOWN. But okay somehow I got back and my sister was chugging down entire bottle of wine and when I told her to stop she replied "No can do,... I have Stalins curse. I cannot be like this" and thats where my dream stopped.

Yeah weird dream.

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Reply by силикунтз



I had a very strange dream a few nights ago. I was chilling in my sisters apartment in Belgrade when she went full panic mode and told me "You need to cure me I have Iosifs Stalins curse."

Ofc I went wtf and asked her how and she told me to go to this one specific place in Iran to get this mud that would cure the curse idfk. So I went to this bumfuck typical looking middle eastern town to get this mud from the sea. I put the mud in a plastic bag and as I was about to leave Iran I got harrased by (I am not joking about this part) Iranian female sex workers that were telling me "European go fuck yourself etc etc.." AND THEY CAME OUT FROM THIS MODERN LOOKING CASINO IN MIDDLE OF THIS DESERT TOWN. But okay somehow I got back and my sister was chugging down entire bottle of wine and when I told her to stop she replied "No can do,... I have Stalins curse. I cannot be like this" and thats where my dream stopped.

Yeah weird dream.

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Reply by Latsric-stars



R For two weeks I have been dreaming as a kind of "shadow man" It follows me wherever I go, no matter what situation I am in the dream. That thing is always nearby, but if I "see" it Steadily he runs towards me and I feel him begin to suffocate me. That's the only way I wake up, otherwise I just open my eyes a little, stifle a scream, and sink back into I dream until that thing attacks again.

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Reply by Salem


Had a really weird dream two nights ago. In it I was going to school, and there was a group of 5 siblings who had gotten superpowers from an accident. I ended up talking to one of the boys, a twin, and ended up getting in a relationship with him. His powers were related to seeing ghosts and things like that. Eventually, I found out from one of his siblings that he had this relationship, not really platonic but not yet romantic, with a dead girl who lived in this spiritual plane of ghosts that only he could see. It bothered me at the moment, but somehow I was able to get to this plane through his dreams and I met the girl Kim. When I met her I instantly liked her and realized I wasn't that upset this my "boyfriend" dating her. I just figured they could be together while me and him could be together. 

Some other stuff happened but I can't remember. All I know is that when I woke up I felt two things. #1 being that, in my dream, it felt like real life time. So when I woke up I realized I wasn't actually in that relationship which depressed me and it almost felt like not being able to see someone I actually was dating. #2 being that I felt bad for that Kim girl. My "boyfriend" didn't want to be with her because she wasn't alive and I felt like I was rubbing it in her face. I also think I had feelings for her.

Moral of the story: don't take Nyquil before bed if you don't want to have dreams that make you think about yourself.

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