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so basically my dumbass procrastinated so hard and well that I somehow FUCKING FORGOT FINALS ARE COMING UP AND ITS BEEN HELL RN.

my english teacher dragged my grade down from a 90 to a 30, hasn't graded anything I turned in a day late then proceeded to give us ANOTHER PROJECT after we just finished one. so that makes one project already.

then I have- *inhale intensifies* dear god y'all are gonna get sent straight to jesus same day delivery with this one

SEVEN PROJECTS FROM MY ART CLASS: five of them are for project grade and two of them are the exam projects themselves

oh then there's y honors class where I haven't typed the essay for the exam at all; YET ALONE STARTED! and to make shit worse I have to do concept sketches for it

all in all i've been wasting my weekend away to exams type shit and my english teacher still hasn't raised my grade and I need it to make it to senior year, what I hate it so much cause it's always THE LAST TWO WEEKS OF SCHOOL teachers wanna suddenly speed up the lessons and grading then proceed to make me want to lose my shit. especially the ones that can't grade or grade things moths later

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Reply by fibreglassghost


I wish you luck steing soldier this sounds like actually hell omg

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Reply by giugiulie


i understand the procrastination HEAVILY esp near exams like art (i've done this with graphic design) i wish you good luck - i hope everything goes well!!

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Reply by ten


hey i know its been 2 months since u posted this. how did ur assignments go? manage to pass everything on time?

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