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is there code for customizing my Interests?

instead of


- General

- Music

- Movies

- Television

and - Heroes,

i'd really like

[my name]'s Blurbs, Continued

- About Me, Continued

- Politic & Philosophy

- Art & Media

- [name] is Online a category for the things i want to exhibit that i've found while web-browsing and e-scavenging

and - Favorites what it says on the tin, anything from my favorite word/s to my favorite food/s, etc.

can anyone help me with this? i found some code that was supposed to help with that in a layout, but i tried using it, and it didn't work! it must've been broken, or something.   

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Reply by Gluma


If you just wanna rename the interests, here’s a link to a forum reply I made that explains two ways you can do it. Though, since you mentioned using a code that supposedly didn’t work, I’m assuming it’s the renaming interests code...? In that case, you can just skip that section of my reply :p the code never worked for me either lmao

If you wanna actually change the interests (ex: wanting to make the “About Me, Continued” interest similar to the actual About Me section), that may be a bit out of my personal league lol...but I’ll attempt, anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Reply by benny // whalefall


thank you so much, Gluma!

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Reply by benny // whalefall


......it didn't work.

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