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how do you change header titles in the interests section?

Posted by K3N


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

i wanna make "heroes" and "movies" into stuff like games idk :p

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Reply by Gluma


Two ways: renaming already existing table sections, or just straight up making new ones.

This blog has the code and explanation for how to rename interests, although I will say: this has never worked for me, personally. Only I can see the changes and no one else did so it made my profile pretty confusing lmao However, the code really can work for other people so I’d say give it shot! If you wanna check if the code works, log out and view your account! If you can’t see the changes, well... :(

This blog has the code for making new interest sections altogether. The new section will show up depending on where you insert it! If you insert it into the Heroes section, it’ll appear under Heroes (and the same will go for General, Books, etc.) Oh, and here’s the code for deleting certain interests:

table tr:nth-of-type(insert number here) {display: none !important;}

Each interest is labeled with a number, going from top to bottom (so General will be 1, Music 2, Heroes 6, etc.). Put that number in the code and that interest is gone! Note: if you add any new interests, the numbering system will be a bit messed up but that’s just because the new interest is now a new number :o For example, if you add a new interest below Books and you want to delete the Heroes section, you’d have to put 7 instead of 6, since the new interest is now 6 (AKA just count your profile’s interests from top to bottom until you get to the one you want to delete :p)

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Reply by K3N


thank you so much!!!! :D

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