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What's your opinion on Tarot?

Very self explanatory. What do you think of Tarot readings? Do you think they're a real thing or not? Do your religion/beliefs forbids it?.

My opinion

I actually have mixed opinions. I was raised in a christian home, and although they didn't tell me they're something wrong or anything, I was just told, all my life, that it just wasn't real, or that nobody could know the future. But the cards are so so pretty omg... like, in any edition, I love tarot cards on an aesthetic level, but idk what to believe, I haven't had any reading or anything tho.

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Reply by cas


literally same! i don't really know what to make of them, but i DO know that they have VERY pretty art LMAO

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Reply by Ashley


I don’t really believe tarot cards work, but I used to do readings all the time a couple of years ago because my teachers loved it and it helped me gain some sympathy. I can’t say they’re super accurate, but sometimes they can get eerily real. On the other hand, my aunt used to do readings too and she had a lot of clients. She even predicted my best friends mother's divorce without knowing her or her family. So, it's a bit of a dilemma. Either I'm just bad at this, or my aunt is extremely talented at making stuff up.

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