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Libertarians Unite!

We are all here to agree that we can disagree while we ride in our tanks, smoke the devil's lettuce, ......... or not. It is our business and our business alone.  Also, #taxationistheft. Post on this thread what Libertarianism means to you. Sidenote: If you are a Trumper you are not a Libertarian. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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Reply by Tracy Jenkins


Why all the hate? Apparently you are not as opened minded as you say. There is more freedom coming from the Right than from the Left. Don't hate people for their not politically correct personality. 

I like a lot of what the Libertians party stands for but they do not have a chance with this 2 party political system. One thing for sure is that they should allow ALL Presidential nominees who are on the ballot to participate in the Presidential debates period! I think it was just plain wrong how they left Jo out of the debate last year. They do a similar thing in the State level. In Alabama, they left out an Independent runner for governor out of the debate since he was not on the ballot. Personally, I think they are afraid that people will leave their party and they will lose.

One thing that everybody can agree on is term limits for the people in Congress. If there are term limits for a President so he can't be a dictator (power hungry) then it should apply to congress members. The ones who have been there for decades are so power drunk that they can't see straight. The hate and hypocrisy is ridiculous! 

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Reply by Katie Boundary


Wow, this thread lasted exactly 2 posts before we started playing the "you're not a real libertarian" game. New record?

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


So do you want us to unite or you don’t want us to unite 

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Reply by Cyber Villan Lord 🅱️ronson


yea we're here. 

libertarianism to me is just pro-freedom. non aggression principle.
people should be free to do whatever they want and own whatever they want as long as it 
does not infringe upon someone else.

inb4 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NAZIS by some soyboy that posts an opinion article on a blog written by a european to try and prove libertarians are fascists.... theyre no different than the republicucks who call me a commie or a socialist.

real libertarians dont support trump or biden.

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Reply by Angie


The US is a monetarily sovereign nation with a free floating non convertible fiat currency and can never go broke. Federal taxes are deleted upon receipt and never pay for anything, it's how the federal government deletes currency to prevent inflation ( and there are about 3 more reasons that currency has to be deleted out of circulation). The federal government is precisely whose need because that is who is mandated to provide for the public purpose, as you see during covid, providing free vaccines, free economic recovery and impact checks, and disaster aid as in Texas right now. So taxation is not theft, it serves a vital function in operation and the balancing of the sectors. Your federal tax dollars don't go to anything or anyone else, and federal programs and services never cost anyone anything hence he beauty of Fiat currency

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


"Trumper"? While I agree with you, using language from the left makes you look less "libertarian" and more "liberal, communist, bootlicking, new world order, pro bill gates, pro covid vax, total deep state, totalitarian, dictatorship worshipper".  Can we all agree?  Fuck both sides?  

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Reply by Alex_Sakh


Capitalism doesnt work whitnout goverment. Prove me wrong.

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