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Baby Reindeer

I watched Baby Reindeer, is anyone watching it or have you seen it?

Knowing that it's based on a true story was even more heartbreaking. 

now all the people are looking for the real people in the story even if they asked not to do it it was obvious that they would do it but it is disturbing to see how they, who are so shocked by the story (rightly), spend hours and hours scrolling to look for information and expose people's personal information by not respecting their privacy and will. I understand that curiosity is human but these are delicate situations in which there is no need to interfere further. what do you think about it?

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Reply by The.A.A.Walker


I watched Baby Reindeer a few weeks back. It was positively brilliant. Finding out it was based on a true story -- a biopic, really -- was gutwrenching. It portrayed abused from and in such a nuance ergo realistic lense. Richard Gadd is a genius and I hope this is just the beginning of his journey. As a psychology major, I truly believe Martha had bipolar disorder and erotomania. I am distraught and appalled that Martha and the man that SA'd Richard are real people. I hope they never live a happy day for the rest of their days. I also fear for anyone in their vicinity. My second biggest hope of the show is that their past victims find solace and potential victims heed the warning. My biggest hope is that the show raises awareness and brings change for SA victims, including the men. Don't get me wrong, I hate the patriarchy and 90% men, but the few good ones don't deserve to be abused too.

Fuck the patriarchy.

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