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Modern vs classic horror

I miss the corn syrup, puppets, and special fx makeup magic of classic horror sometimes!

Do you prefer classic or modern horror films? 

What is your favorite film from each category?

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Reply by Ame


well it kinda just depends

theres been plenty of modern horror movies i love, but the modern stuff is generally considered to be more bad i feel (i hate blumhouse for putting out a majority of that. i will die b4 saying i like blumhouse. the only good movie they put out was the original insidious)

but theres also plenty of classic horrors i love

tho my fav modern is probably saw x/the saw franchise in its entirety if u can count the original movies

and my fav classic is the original scream!!

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Reply by The.A.A.Walker


If I had to chose, I'd go classic. The cimenatography was richer albeit low quality, so they creators made up for it via the dialogue. There was less CGI and more animotronics, which made it look and feel all the more real. The villains were more creative and somewhat symbolic (e.g. Freddy Krueger being a ped0 euphamism). Dark messaging aside, well...

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