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i found out theres noo flcl forumm helloooo ??

how'd u guys discover flcl n wat do u think :3

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Reply by Venus ☆


I discovered FLCL via my brother. I love the show it's one of the best animes I've ever seen. The ost, animation, characters, and story are all great. I haven't really watched any of the sequels

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Reply by Black Market Stray Cat


>no FLCL forum

well there's a forum dedicated to television as a whole, and a couple of topics within said forum dedicated to anime, and then there're a couple of groups dedicated to anime...

i found out about FLCL through jet set radio, oddly enough. i remember reading the comments under uploads of the soundtrack, since i'd never heard anything like it before, and under the comments, people would talk about the soundtracks for things like persona, flcl, twewy (and other sega games, obviously).

i really like FLCL (and its sequels, for the most part), but i feel like the series has the same problem with its fanbase that every older anime has (lain and evangelion. this is a thinly veiled lain and eva fanbase complaint.), people overstate basic observations about the anime while preaching about how good it and how nothing new will ever compare to it, while also seemingly purposefully not getting what it's about, so i don't really like discussing it with others anymore, since it leads to the exact same discussions every time ("man, this anime is so random and wacky and nonsensical, the writers must've been so high. but it's also so deep, it truly is one of the greatest anime ever made, man i wish any new anime was even a fraction as good as when anime didn't have any of those fanservice or cliches (note that these people call FLCL and Eva their favorite anime ever while complaining about oversexualization). sequels? what sequels? FLCL doesn't have any sequels. i haven't even fucking watched them and can't tell which sequel is which but i know that they sucked because cuck's basement and gigguk, the people who told me that FLCL is supposed to not make sense, told me that they sucked. man, the pillows songs are total bangers").

it's somewhat unfortunate, since it means a lot to me (and i'm a personal firm believer of "don't let a fanbase distort your opinion of a thing"), but it is what it is.

i want to make videos on it and its sequels one day, but that seems pretty far off at the moment.

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