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horror stories!

horror stories!

reply with your real horror stories in the comments

thought it might be fun!

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Reply by GYARU_GAL<3


to kick it off ill go 1st. 2 years ago after my grandfather and aunt died, i always thought it was a little weird because they were very far apart, yet somehow died 2 months apart! 

Whenever i touch my aunts old stuff (books, jewelry, ect-) i always get this super weird feeling, as if i can sense her looking at me. With my grandfather, i feel that i can sense him sometimes, for example, i was living my life like normal, and was about to go to bed, when i see this tall, white figure in the other room, like a ghost or spirit. sometimes this becomes so strong, i have a panic attack. im thinking something is wrong with me due to my sense of supernatural stuff, especially with old houses ive been in, sometimes i have to leave an old house because the presence of something i cant see is always there, pretty spooky, right? Does anybody have any idea of what this could be? nontheless i thought these were scary stories to share!

hope you enjoyed!! <33

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Reply by Gwen<3


me and my bf were watching movies in my living room and i see a little boy run in the hall. no little boys live with me just me and my mom and my 31 yr old brother who was at work. so i look at my bf who is high asf and he starts panicking asking if i saw that boy. it freaked him out but it was just running in the hall so i didn’t care as long as it wasn’t bothering us but still unsettling to think about.

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Reply by GYARU_GAL<3


that's definitely creepy! Even if its vastly different, it reminds me of the black eyed- children! 

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