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If anyone else here is schizophrenic, how long did it take for you to get diagnosed? How many times were you denied and told it's just trauma?

I still haven't been professionally diagnosed because my psychiatrist thinks it's just DID but most adults believe me sooo

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Reply by ouma!!!!


We dont have schizophrenia but we do have a form of psychosis . it took really long to get a diagnose for what was going on and often it was said to be something these . we have DID so for awhile the psychosis and DID would repeatedly get confused as each other . it was very annoying but now we are on meds and the psychosis is barely an issues (unless we forget meds) 

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Reply by Fer !!!


it took me YEARS to get diagnosed after my initial symptoms started showing up, since I was so young they kept switching diagnosis and all that, until they finally settled on paranoid schizophrenia and I was diagnosed at the age of 14.

Even tho I have an official diagnosis medication and all even my own dad denies it sometimes lol, he doesnt like to believe I actually have it, and usually people who deny it the most are adults, honestly most people my age believe me the moment I tell them and dont question it which is nice, ive had people tell me that I could cure it on my own and deny it but nothing has ever been too bad and most poeple just accept it

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Reply by Tyler i guess


now just OCD/StPD but I'm at high risk genetically so whoops knooows

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Reply by MAYTIDE_Y2k


(This is usually a oc/rp account but I’ll break character for this lol)

I don’t have schizophrenia, but I do study psychology as a hobby! I’m autistic and I enjoy knowing what’s going on up there, yknow ? 

While I don’t know your situation, I’ll say that schizophrenia can be a difficult disorder to diagnose.

There isn’t really a set “test” for diagnosis, like some other conditions ; so it really comes down to recording and observing symptoms, which have to be observed as consistent with the disorder for a month at minimum. This isn’t helped by the variety of ways schizophrenia can present, even just over time in one person.

The other issue is that it shares a lot of symptoms with other mental and physiological conditions. So, other disorders have to be ruled out as causes, which can be a long process. You might also be given an MRI test, as symptoms can also be caused by neurological abnormalities.

I definitely sympathize with you. It’s a long, frustrating process ; but ultimately it’s better to be safe than sorry when treating these kinds of things- you don’t want to give the wrong person a treatment that’ll hurt them by accident. 

If you feel like your doctor or psychologist isn’t listening to you, I’d say to try or talk it out- and if that doesn’t work, then don’t feel bad about asking for a different one. It’s your health. 

Hope this is helpful !! 

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