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How do I get used to my new school?

I got transferred and now I don't know anyone, the classes and schedules are different, and my socially anxious autistic self, doesn't know how to deal with it so plspls if you knoww <33

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Reply by Jinnicide


How did you get used to the one before it?

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Reply by con ^_<


Reply by oe ❀


Ik it feels like hell to put yourself into awkward situations but that will give you more confidence and make you more used to being in them. Hopefully you’ll get used to your schedule too overtime as the repetition will help you remember it! Look out for some nice people too and maybe try to become friends with them? If they don’t seem that great after a while you can always hangout with other people! I hope this helps but sry if it doesn’t I’ve never moved school before so I haven’t experienced this!

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Reply by ruru


take risks, its SO scary but good 4 u, things cn be awkward n embarrassing sumtimes but DONT worry abt it!! u may not realize but other ppl around u r similar to u, get to know many ppl n make friends w the ones u like, school is easier to get used 2 once u have ppl around u ^^

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