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Thoughts on manifestation

What do you think about manifestation? Do you belive it works? 

Have you had any positive/negative experience?

I personally belive it works, but it takes effort to achive what you want from it.

Whats your opinion?

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Reply by Jinnicide


Any action to undertaken to make something external occur is technically
manifestation, so yeah...it's real in that sense (since you can't take
action without first having a thought/idea...and that's literally where
everything starts). If you're asking whether the supernatural is
involved as such, well, that's a different conversation.

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Reply by krys


i believe in manifestation in the sense that, when you think about something hard enough or write it down so many time on a paper or whatever else one does to manifest, it does something subconsciously which makes you work for it. i do think that there can be a slight spiritual/supernatural element to it, but for the most part i think its ones subconcious working to make something they have thought about so much happen

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Reply by krys


i believe in manifestation in the sense that, when you think about something hard enough or write it down so many time on a paper or whatever else one does to manifest, it does something subconsciously which makes you work for it. i do think that there can be a slight spiritual/supernatural element to it, but for the most part i think its ones subconcious working to make something they have thought about so much happen

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Reply by charlotte


I honestly think that it can work but it depends on the situation. like if you really want a car and you try to manifest it, the car won't suddenly appear in front of your door. this is not how it works but since everything has it own vibration ( you as well) there are things you can possibly manifest. it is really about having the same vibrations as the things you would like to attract. searching for new friends for example. I believe it kinda works like that. 

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