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any tips on learning cartomancy

i've been intrested in learning cartomancy(fortune telling from a deck of cards) for a while now and i'd be happy to know if someone has any tips or recources<3 (also i'm not sure which froum this questions belongs so apologies if it's in the wrong one)

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Reply by Zona


LMAOOO I read this shit and my ass thought u were talking about Cart like weed lol.

fortune telling through cards is just about understanding the general meaning of the cards and letting intuition do the rest, its very common and pretty low on the difficulty threshold.

Most people would recommend starting by learning tarot, but in my experience learning with regular poker cards is easier because they're simpler. you're not distracted by the imagery and can focus on what the symbols mean. I learned initially on youtube so I recommend looking it up there but experience and is the best teacher so write down a key to help you remember the meaning of the cards then start drawing them like flashcards. once you start automatically connecting symbols like hearts and spades to their spiritual meaning, stuff like love or fire, then you know you're making progress.

Hope this helps!

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Reply by Jinnicide


Reply by muskog


1. start with regular playing cards. tarot is very complex and has a lot of hermetic symbolism that isnt useful for regular divination and is more likely to just confuse you. (if youre gonna get into tarot: use the marseille tarot, not the rider-waite-smith or crowley-thoth or any of the other later ones)

2. theres a rhyme thats very easy to remember the correspondences, you can find it online. it starts like 'the firstmost rule is easily had, red cards are good black cards are bad. the secondmost rule will bring greater fruits...' that will tell you all the basics you need to know to get started. dont bother with books because a lot of them are full of mumbo-jumbo.

3. practise! theres no substitute for this. once you know the correspondences, just play cards and notice what the cards are 'telling you'. play solitaire or clock or something by yourself, and contemplate the meanings and how they relate to you. or play cards with someone else, any game. the other person doesnt need to know youre 'reading' them, just pay attention. divination is all about interpreting random chance.

4. record your observations and predictions, and make notes about how accurate they are. start with simple things. maybe try practising with flipping coins or rolling dice as well to start with, as there are less variables involved with those.

it doesnt hurt to brush up on your maths either, because (unfortunately lol) a lot of this is about noticing mathematical patterns. good luck and have fun!

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