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Tell me Urban Legends from your area!

I love hearing about urban legends from all over, I want to read yours. I have one to share with you too.

Where I grew up there were lots of these lanky, knee-high nocturnal birds called the Brush-Stone Curlew. I quite like them myself but their call can be pretty unnerving. It usually starts with one, that sounds sort of like a crying child, which is freaky enough if you don't know what is making the sound in the dead of night. The single Curlew's call is shortly followed by a loud chorus of others, when I first heard it myself I couldn't help but imagine a group of ghost children crying and screaming just beyond the treeline of my backyard.

I was in primary school and had just moved to the area when I heard about the Curlew man for the first time.

"If you hear a lot of Curlews singing on a Friday night, that means that the Curlew man is coming to take a kid!"

And that was it. No descriptor of what the hell a 'Curlew Man' was or looked like. Only that he apparently took kids?

I don't recall any kids in my area going missing when I attended the school, but if someone didn't show up for school for a couple of days starting a Monday, you bet it was all "Curlew Man gottem!!".

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Reply by Zombie_Cow



I recently leared an urban legend in my area so why not share it.

I live in the mountains and theres this legend that at night a supernatural creature in the shape of a horse or goat walks the streets. And If you came in contact with it, it will let you ride it but theres a catch. It will take you on its back and travel the mountain all night until you die of thirst. Apparently my dad and the gang killed it like 20 years ago but thats just dad lore yk lmaooo

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Reply by muskog


the pub i work at is haunted (i literally saw the ghost on like my second day there lol)

the owner thinks this all comes down to when there was a very devastating flood that happened in our area in the 40s, and because there were so many bodies washed down the river they couldnt bury them all at once so all the pubs along the length of the river had to keep the corpses in their cellars to keep them fresh (gross, i know)
it also flooded the graveyards, and the the local park is paved with the gravestones that were torn out of the ground. very goth.

there are loads of other bits of local folklore but i dont think i can really say without doxxing myself lol

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Reply by EllanMko19


Recientemente he escuchado rumores que en mi universidad hay salones que están embrujados, ya que aseguran que se ven sombras moverse a altas horas de la noche, se mueven cosas y así, según se rumora antes de edificar, esa zona fue  un punto central para esconder cadáveres, ya que era una zona de monte.

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