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what was the best dream you've ever had?

Posted by matthew


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

I'll go first

my dreams are mainly somewhat realistic so it COULD happen irl but ofc it's very unlikely 

i had a dream that a celebrity of mine that i rlly like. it was like a meet and greet for the show he acts in. and he was signing peoples shirts, but mainly paper. then it came to me and i was taking a while to find a notebook that he could write in then i found it. he took the notebook from me and he signed it while also various doodles. i remember one of the doodles being a cat. then he asked where i worked and i said my workplace. and the next day he visited me and we talked. very simple ik but very cool lol 

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Reply by Zombie_Cow


Thats a very cool dream damn!

I had a dream I was a pirate swimming in the sea with a monkey. Then we climed a cliff and on the other side was this beautiful bay with other pirates that gave me money and water bottles but they turned hostile after I stole their gold (mean I know lol) So the monkey and I ran to some shipwreck and the pirates followed and we had a fight. 

It might sound lame but it was the best dream I had in a while lmao.

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