« News and Politics Forum

opinion on politicssss

Posted by dam:3


Forum: News and Politics

this is MY opinion, if u have one its okay, u can comment or be quiet, whatever u want it is totally fineeeeeeeeeeee.

okay, now idk if this is more noticeble in latinamerican countries, but there's so much division on politics, everyone are on left o right side, but why?

in my country i guess is cause somethin big happened in the 73, we r not gonna talk and repeat the same speech again, thanks. 

so, why everyone wants to be right bout politics? both parts are made of awful people!

tbh i dont like to read the news, but everytime i know of something it has to be that some leftist politic did something bas or some right politic did somethin bad too, r we done yet?

do u really think that the people that r up there care, reaaaally care about us???? NO!

im not an anarchist, but do u think that the presidents of every country really r focused on their people?

no, they r using u to get more votes, and some can be foolish, others only vote for the less bad, so u really think that thers people up there that cares bout u? personally i dont think so.

idk, we as people r usually dissapointing.

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Reply by Norinko


El narcoestado es el estado superior. :3 

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Reply by dam:3


justifique su respuesta

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