Capitalism is unethical, greedy and a horrible system. Only shit that capitalism has done for us has been negative, we need a revolution. People are so deep in their consumerism mindsets, it's ruining us. Why the hell are there trends, people need to start being themselves and acquire an actual taste, style. Holidays aren't even holidays anymore, no one is spending time with their loved ones, holidays are just a reason to spend money. 5 to 9 is the most idiotic thing to exist, we are all slaves to money cause without it, you cannot survive in the 21st century. We are killing our planet, no one realizes it but our life quality is straight ass, you cannot live and you cannot fulfil your dreams most likely either. Most people work shitty jobs just to have a roof over their head and food on the table, that is absolutely depressing. Only way for one to be actually experiencing life is to be privileged and rich.