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Best horror movies

I'm a huge fan of horror movies but I feel that movies are not as scary now as they used to be, I want to feel very scared. Can you recommend me some horror movies? 

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Reply by Viva


i prefer the gory stuff over anything, so if you're into that, then saw is my most FAVORITE horror movie (and just in general) franchise ever!! the first movie is rlly tame tho haha

another good gory one is hostel, but dont get made when it doesn't have good plot tho lolol - it's made just to be gory

and this one is more gross than gory, but i also LOVE the human centipede!! if you want to skip the first movie which is actually pretty tame, then just watch the second movie -- if you want to understand the plot then you'll need to watch the first but if you just wanna be grossed out u don't have to (the second movie is MUCH worse then the first)

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Reply by Tyler i guess


Company of Wolves

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