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dream meanings

anyone need help figuring out the meaning of a dream? i'm generally pretty good at interpreting them.

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Reply by murdoc


omg pls i have this recurring dream of being chased by a lion or a tiger its so weird 

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Reply by leenajohn


Great Article it its really informative and innovative keep us posted with new updates. its was really valuable. thanks a lot. windows 7 enterprise

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Reply by Johnii


Reply by ☆Mal☆


(Yea this is a lot btw) My dreams aren't always recurring but they're similar, and they're are several different ones. In almost all my dreams, I'm at my school or a store. Every single time there's always my friends, or just people in my classes. One time I was at ig a Walmart or something qnd I was the only one there. There was a ton of food and snack for a lifetime, but after a while the store got weird and the isles were way long. And at my school it doesn't look like my school but ik it is. Under the school there is a secret library (there are a ton of weird hidden entries) but every time I see someone I hide or get scared. And there's also a HUGE room that people say is for "special people" and I love to go in there, there's a bunch of cool things in there. I do have one recurring dream though, it start out at like and arcade/trampoline/play place idk but then yk monty from sb fnaf? Yea there's a whole bedroom based off him and to get there is this long ass hallway. But after I get out of that room, there's another long ass hallway to a basement looking room. There's monty (run run run blah blah blah) and some how I end up in a mall thing, then eventually I'm at Safeway or Walmart (again lol) and sometimes I take things or stay there. Anyways that's all I can remember

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Reply by Spartacus?


I’m not sure If you still respond to this, but a little while ago I had a dream that a bunch of spinning isopods wouldn’t let me wake up because they wanted me to join their isopod MLM of selling isopod calendars (I’m assuming like… isopod pinup calendars). It was genuinely awful, please help me interpret because when I eventually did wake up I fell back “asleep” but I had sleep paralysis and the Isopods wouldn’t let me leave and started pitching isopod Seinfeld to me. I’m entirely serious imagine hallucinating a gaggle of rotating isopods hovering in the air above your bedspread and explaining to you that you can’t wake up until you listen to their pitch for five more episodes of isopod Seinfeld. That has to mean something.

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Reply by ang3lxx


yes please!

recently i had a dream where i was like a princess/queen from a few centuries ago- gowns and all- and i was getting ready to be executed. to have my throat slit. in the dream i watched my cousin face the same fate, but the biggest part of it is me sitting in a dark room having my last meal while crowds gather outside to watch me die. im eating this soup, when i suddenly start crying, like full on sobbing, then i get on the ground and start praying. that's when i wake up.

this has been a recurring dream for a few weeks now. im getting tired of seeing my cousins neck get cut, so if anyone could interpret this or help me js figure it out, id really appreciate it. :))

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Reply by christy perez


i keep having dreams about my ex boyfriend, different dreams but hes always there, sometimes they make no sense, i have dreams about him alot, i dont know if anything what they mean

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hey i know u posted this a year ago but incase you or others have an answer i would like to share.

so a while ago i had a realistic dream where i was being bullied in uni and then a guy stood up for me and we ended up going on many dates. it was one of those dreams where it feels so real and as if each day is passing by. there was a misunderstanding and he ended up going away before i could confess. but he felt so real when i woke up i thought i had actually falling in love with someone. i couldnt remember his features. but then a few days later i had two dreams in one night where i was dating two different men, i didnt feel in love but just fun and i could remember their features, have fun with this one.

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Reply by KADEN!!


i was being chased by the monsters from the movie a quiet place in my elementary school´s playground lol

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Reply by katie_2b


 hey my names Katie and i dream ALOTTTT but when i have a dream its always about kidnapping, murdurg ,blood, people watching me etc. last one i had was basically [ imma shorten it btw} my dad was a crazy person my mom was his side kick basically and my mom had a baby and showed my family and everybody was mad my dad pulled out a knife started stabbing everyone more like cutting but my sister and me ran out of the house but my dad caught my sister and i got away {mind u its 3 am} and the Neighbors saw everything and heard everything that went down so my dad was going to KILL THEM so he left and i was gonna go back in the house to rescue the rest of my siblings so i snuck in through the front door and then i thought imma go tell a neighbors so that way they can call the cops first but when I went to go open the door i couldn't because i had blood all over my hands so i went to my side door and when i to find it it was gone there was just a wall there and i then woke up{ sweating and disgusting} please help me out here i'm only 13 thanks :} 

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Reply by katie_2b


 hey my names Katie and i dream ALOTTTT but when i have a dream its always about kidnapping, murdurg ,blood, people watching me etc. last one i had was basically [ imma shorten it btw} my dad was a crazy person my mom was his side kick basically and my mom had a baby and showed my family and everybody was mad my dad pulled out a knife started stabbing everyone more like cutting but my sister and me ran out of the house but my dad caught my sister and i got away {mind u its 3 am} and the Neighbors saw everything and heard everything that went down so my dad was going to KILL THEM so he left and i was gonna go back in the house to rescue the rest of my siblings so i snuck in through the front door and then i thought imma go tell a neighbors so that way they can call the cops first but when I went to go open the door i couldn't because i had blood all over my hands so i went to my side door and when i to find it it was gone there was just a wall there and i then woke up{ sweating and disgusting} please help me out here i'm only 13 thanks :} 

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Reply by milly <3


i had a reoccuring dream for about a month and it would basically be my school being blown up but we were all there and loads of people died idek what that could mean but yeah aha 

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Reply by K$TR (Kaycie Shchi)


Excerpt from my dream journal;

"In this dream, I was showing one of my friends an old underground bunker that was in my neighborhood, and my sisters ex boyfriend was there too. Confused and enraged I proceeded to beat him up and escape before anyone could break up the fight. Outside I sat alone at a park bench until a girl with blue hair and blue vainy eyes without pupils came and slept next to me at the bench, the only thing she said was"20 minutes" and 20 minutes later, I woke up."

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Reply by Caroline


I already know I am a dizzy dreamer but I have a recurring dream of falling off a roof of a country club while playing tennis. 

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Reply by KatelynSama


Yes please

Ok so I had a recurring dream from about age 4 to age 10. Here is how it went. I was at my Pops(gpa) house in my aunts old room(before it was redone for me) and there was a red couch(never was one IRL) and under the left cushion of the couch was a slide(idk why just was) and I could fit down it. No one else was alive except me they were all dead/zombies(not both). I always woke up as i was getting on the slide. And thats it.

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