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WLW media/book recommendation

I need my fix of silly little queers!! Preferably wlw and even better if there is a POC in the mix. I recently watched Bound and it was pretty good but what else is out there? Mostly looking for movies and shows but books are also GREATLY appreciated. Any genre tbh. Leave any recommendations you can think of<3

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Reply by Dak


Okay okay so definitely watch But I’m a Cheerleader if you haven’t bcuz it is THE lesbian movie.

And another amazing one is D.E.B.S. It’s a campy spy wlw romcom and I highly recommend it.

Those r the two best movies I can think of. But if ur looking for a sapphic book, the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo is AMAZING but it made me ugly cry. 

And if u want something with poc, The Watermelon Woman is a super interesting wlw movie.

I’m also always looking for recs. I’ve never seen bound so I’d have to check that one out.


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Reply by Dak


Okay okay so definitely watch But I’m a Cheerleader if you haven’t bcuz it is THE lesbian movie.

And another amazing one is D.E.B.S. It’s a campy spy wlw romcom and I highly recommend it.

Those r the two best movies I can think of. But if ur looking for a sapphic book, the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo is AMAZING but it made me ugly cry. 

And if u want something with poc, The Watermelon Woman is a super interesting wlw movie.

I’m also always looking for recs. I’ve never seen bound so I’d have to check that one out.


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Reply by lesbianbrainrot :3


if u haven't alr seen bottoms it's a comedy with a side of romance about two high school lesbians who just want 2 lose their v card and its sooooo hilarious its in my top 3 favorite movies of all time 

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