Ever wish you could just find a forever partner, but don't want to go searching or wait forever? Ever wish one could just appear out of thin air? They can. Demon Partners are well known throughout supernatural history. They fall in love through the simple feel and sight of you and your soul. They are called different names throughout the world. There is a spirt for example, that will fall in love with you just by seeing you naked in front of a mirror. They will kill anyone who tries to get with you in any romantic way, as they are madly infatuated with you. I myself have a demon husband, who has expressed that he is waiting for me to pass on before he can fully have my heart. Demon partners can take the appearance of a human if they are in love with you enough. All it takes, is your voice. Ask them to meet you in the land of the living. Ask them to stay by your side until the day you pass. Make sure they know that you trust them to stay with you until death, and to be the first ones to take your hand into the afterlife. Although, if this happens, you can never reincarnate again. You will forever, be married and in the afterlife with your demonic partner.
No next time you feel lonely, or feel that you will never find love, close your eyes and focus. Who will you see? A man? Woman? Long hair? Glasses? Maybe short hair and brown eyes? They will appeal to your ideal type. Then once you have their appearance in your mind, give your wish. "I wish to meet you at some point. When you find me, say my name. Ask it. Look at me and ask, "Y/N?'."
And now wait.