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Prophetic Dreams?

Okay okay... I'd like to clarify that I do not believe in prophecies. Humans are much more perceptive than they seem and can "predict" the future through logical reasoning and deduction. Despite this, I genuinely don't understand why I dream about things that happen in the future. Granted the dreams that seem to come true are not improbable, but it's strange. I have a vague understanding of dream theory and am wondering if anyone can explain how my subconscious is "predicting" the future. 


A recent dream I had was about salad. I hate uncooked cherry tomatoes, like seriously. In this dream, I was eating a salad with cherry tomatoes, and it was really good. The next day, a friend served me a cherry tomato salad. IT WAS SO GOOD, and I have never been even okay with the presence of cherry tomatoes. Did my brain convince me that I like cherry tomatoes? It seems a bit improbable. 

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