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Recurring dreams
18 Replies
Reply by annie:)))
It's possible that place you keep dreaming about is a part of your past life whether it be somewhere you lived or died. Do you remember anything significant about it?
Reply by Josh Boyd
Just the physical layout of it. You pull off of a highway/freeway offramp and to your right theres like a diner that had a mechanic/auto repair/tire yard situation in back, and a few small nondescript office type buildings past it. Then there’s an intersection with two gas stations on it and the road that intersects the main road goes off into the hills. Then the main road passes a few more small office type buildings before it merges back on to the freeway.
Reply by Punkin
When I was little I had one all the time where I was in a really dark locked barn and within that barn were 3 houses. Those houses belonged to the 3 little pigs, who were extremely scary, and were being chased by the big bad wolf. The houses were the only places to hide and he was tearing them apart. I remember being very scared and running around trying to figure out how to survive the terror pigs and the insane wolf. I always woke up before any harm ever came to me.
Reply by Josh Boyd
Reply by ReyIsNull
when i was younger i would have reoccurring dreams about running into the forest and falling down a hole that seemed to never end. it was dark, and damp. and being a kid it was horrifying. i could only see what was in front of me, behind me was void. it felt so real.
Reply by Lynn F Word
Oh gosh I have many-- the one that haunts me the most is one from my childhood of a porcelain doll killing me :/
Reply by Ghostie
So.. I don't really have the same dream over and over, but the theme is always the same.
I start off doing something, lord knows what bc dreams are weird, but then I get this feeling that people are after me to either try to hurt me/kill me.
And what do ya know, I was right! So I end up running away from them for the entirety of my dream. Though in one they got dangerously close to killing me before I woke up and ..hoo boy that wasn't fun.
Though I think my favorite nightmare I ever had was one where I was apparently a vampire? And I guess in this dream world if you overfed a vampire they would go berserk with power and stuff? But like-- I just remember physically losing control over my own body. It was like I was sitting inside watching myself just go nuts. Like.. I was throwing myself at walls and bashing my head into things and I was completely and utterly terrified that I was going to hurt someone in the midst of hurting myself.
..wonder what it all means.
Reply by MK
i have this quite strange recurring dream, had it about seven times over the span of about two months.
Reply by cybervenus
damn most of the replies on here are pretty grim!
Reply by WxtchBxtch
OK so mine is a bit... odd and off the wall xD there is a place near me called Black Bayou. This place is well known for where people will 'drop' bodies because there are a shit ton of gators.. Anyways, I'm on one of the big pier walkways that curves and goes out over the water a very good ways and the moment I step onto the beginning of the walk way I start floating upwards and I can fly around but when I have been in the air for a while I will start sinking slowly and it gets harder and harder to control my flight 9 times out of 10 I don't make it to the path way but I also never hit the water since I will wake up before I do.
Reply by Kat
I’ve had the same recurring dream for years but lately it’s been a lot more frequent. It’s always this same town next to a beach which I’ve never seen in real life before, it’s so vivid and in my dreams I sometimes think it’s California and sometimes think it’s Las Vegas. I always end up falling in the water towards the end of the dream and it’s really dark and cold.
Reply by diogenes
Reoccuring dreams are the ones I often remember most. I'm walking in some sort of woods or a mall, and are either alone or surrounded by faceless people. I feel like I've either missed something, forgotten something, am going somewhere, or are supposed to know what is happening, but are confused. I usually wander the landscape haplessly until I either wake up or am thrust into a deeper sleep. Odd and capricious
Reply by Crowe
I always dream about my ex best friend and her brother, due to some trauma, (yay PTSD), often in these dreams there's things that my therapist said about the trauma, even though not all of what she said was right :/
Reply by g o t h i c t r a s h
When I was a teenager, about 14-16, can't remember for sure, I had a recurring dream nearly every night for over a month. It was so strange, but I remember it so vividly.
Reply by Pussyfart2000
When I was a kid, around 6 probably, I would always wake up sweaty and frightened because of a recurring nightmare I had. It basically went like this; I'd be in a pitch black room, then all of a sudden a spotlight would appear in front of me revealing a loved one of mine towering over me as I sit on the ground, scared. They'd just repeat my name over and over again in a disappointed tone with an angry/disappointed look on their face. I still have this dream sometimes, but not as often as when I was younger. I have no idea why I was having such vivid or deep dreams at that young age, but it really did leave an impact on me. Fun, right?
Reply by Ma’Anjull️
Yes i had a dream where I would be chased around by some random person in a store over and over again everytime i would try to wake up i will be still in the dream and when i finally wake up i would go back to sleep and get chased again it wasn’t really scary but it wasn’t fun either
Reply by m3thk!t
I think the dream changes a little bit every time i have it, but I've had this same dream at least once a month, since i was 6.
Reply by Tilly
ive had a bunch of weird dreams but ive only ever had one recurring dream, i had this dream when i was a kid and i stopped having it years ago. basically i was running through a dark forest and there was always something behind me but when turned around to see it, it disappeared, ngl that dream was super weird but not the worst ive had lol x_x