i had a dream emma roberts and my sister were trying to kill me they chased me with knives my sister ended up injuring me and than they locked me in a closet thing and i managed to get out of what she locked me in and i dealt with the injury told someone i got hurt but suprisingly didnt tell anyone it was my sister that hurt me but i hinted at emma roberts ....
« Dreams and the Supernatural Forum
bad dream\odd dream that i dont know the meaning of
34 Replies

Reply by rebecca walcott
maybe you are afraid of those who you care about turning on you.
Reply by Lady Moss
Have you felt betrayed recently or like you can't escape the probability of being betrayed by someone close to you? Have you felt hurt by someone you feel you can't speak against? Does your sister seem to have more leverage than you or get away with more than you can?
Reply by Cherisse
Discovering yourself and having good boundaries with others is not easy. When the world and our families are constantly trying to mould us into the image they think we should be, it can be hard if not impossible to stay true to ourselves. I think it is possible that Emma and your sister represent those in life and your family who you love and respect, but whom you feel are critical of you and want to trap you into a version of yourself that they approve of, not who you really are. You rebel against those expectations but continue to feel attacked and trapped. You may need to have a heart to heart with your sister about your feelings.
Reply by i like ducks
Reply by i like ducks
Reply by Kindness Queen
you know this is interesting um i know dreams are based on emotional problems so anything you worry about could relate to this trust me i know with anxiety it sucks
Reply by trashfvag
One night i had a dream i was in a large open flat field with cars driving around the field on road and this giant bear like 12 ft tall did a loud growl at me and just stood up and i forze for like a few seconds and then woke up
Reply by Levi (the i is loud)
Reply by PanaBori
yo this may sound crazy but i had a dream i became spacehey famous! friend me and we can try to interpret it
Reply by Rinaldo
Para mi, significa que probablemente le hiciste algún daño a tu hermana, y ahora piensas que busca venganza. Lo que puedes hacer para no tener ese sueño, es hacer las paces, hablarlo con ella para que tu subconsciente de deje en paz.
Reply by Rooster1975
Reply by Eric
I have a dream dictionary. The book is outdated,but it is basically what dreams mean. Whether it's numbers, colors, body parts etc. It's crazy how we think while in a dream state
Reply by e_s
Reply by Emma
Reply by Emma
Reply by Emma
Reply by Sivan Alyra Rose🍒
the way you fully covered for your sister, but didn't have have enough balls to throw emma roberts completely under the bus is the real thing i'd meditate on. where r ur boundaries, luv?
Reply by Sorrel
A lot of what you said signified that someone hurt you and you simply aren't able to tell someone that who hurt you is close, afraid of judgement or people not believing. If you can remember any other details, I'd also look up metaphors with a knife that hint to your dream, sometimes those can help ! :)
Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx
Reminds me of the time where I had that dream where my mom was chasing after me with a knife saying "it's your time to die" when I was 11 1/2 years old. I have no idea why I even had that dream in the 1st place.
Reply by jordybabyy
Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng
Reply by Bernadette Hernandez
Hi, so if you know, Emma Roberts played a witch in American Horror Story: Coven. In it, she was the bitchiest cattiest one in the coven, and she was not to be trusted. Covens are witch sisterhoods and they all live under one roof, as was the setup in the show. Emma Roberts represents someone in your circle pretending to be a close friend but has no good intentions for you. Find out who the Emma is in your circle, and your dreams should stop. Dreams are there to protect you.
Knives represent a betrayal. Knives are also called an athame in witchcraft, and they are used in spells.
Reply by l@lo
i'm ALWAYS dreaming of my own funeral. it's like i'm outside of my body and i can see myself in the coffin. it sucks cause i see all of my friends and family suffering and crying for me. i'm also s*icid*l so i think this might have a conection to my feelings. idk. weird dreams are always bad and it can ruin your whole day.
Reply by Billy 🧙
Reply by Billy 🧙
Reply by ben
dreams do not inherently have meaning. i've had dreams where i:
- shot and killed the mayor of philadelphia (who was represented by clarence boddicker from "robocop")
- got lost in new york city because i wanted to see an endemic bird that only ate mac 'n' cheese
- scared away sonic.exe by pretending to be in love with him
- accidentally set my entire school on fire (and killing hundreds inside) by playing with a guy wire attached to the building
- got smashed by a fallen telephone pole and died, transferring consciousness to a random other kid my age
- saved my online friend's house from being burnt down by a clothing iron
- hit a child in the head with a machete because i was practicing defending myself against cardboard cutouts of attackers and he jumped in my way (he survived)
et cetera, et cetera. i do not believe that my dreams represent anything, and your dream sounds similar to plenty of dreams i've had before. people act nonsensically in dreams, as dreams are nonsensical in their very nature.
Reply by P0SERR
Honestly, when I get sh!tty dreams I focus on the feeling of the dream while the traumatic part is happening and see when I felt that in my conscious life. For example, I have alot of high stress dreams and they usually repeat the same themes like high slides, apocalypse, or murder. And these dreams all carry the same anxious air I feel during social situations. Dreams r weird.
Reply by Oak Madleaf
fear of close ones turning on you + fear of knives. did you have a fever when this dream occured? it reminds me of my Taylor swift nightmare tbh
Reply by Sally_SeveranceXX
Reply by maddiesturst
a few days ago i had a dream where my sis and i were bothering a box, which had a demon in it. we were betting that one of us could make him angry, and the one who made him angry was me. then, he came out of the box, approached my ear and said "boooo", but he said it in the most AWFUL, DEMONIC, GROSS voice i've ever heard. obviously i was scared, i opened my eyes and once i was awake, he was there, at my ear, saying "boooo". and then he dissapeared. he didnt looked like the conventional demon, he looked like some heavy black smoke. that night i told my parents and we prayed, i dont believe that much in god though, but i did it.
havent had bad dreams since then.
Reply by L1LL14N_
not a bad drem, just... od/
i was in the car w/ my frends and 1 of them stol my honey bun and i started screeming and choking them xDD
Reply by As!!k.sis
Мне три раза снились сны где меня загрызают на смерть или собаки или волки. Теперь я очень боюсь больших, лающих собак
Reply by nvtbvster
Reply by Traidor
Estava eu saindo de um mercadinho q fica perto da minha casa andando cabisbaixo com uma faca escondida quando de repente me deparo com um clone meu ele me olha e imediatamente eu esfaqueio ele saio correndo e quando desso a ladeira encontro outro clone meu diferente do outro,no desespero eu corro do local do crime e acordo sem entender nada