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Strange voice comes through COD whilst on the main menu!

So me and my friends were in a private party (locked so our not so good friends can join and ruin our K/D :') ) we were all pretty silent, i was looking at my load outs when a strange voice with much more clarity suddenly speaks saying one of our friends gamer tags! So i know this isn't a randomer joining and leaving as there is no sound to indicate any one joining or leaving. MY own voice isn't recorded  in the video so it only leaves 2 of my friends who you can hear from the video it just clearly wasn't.

I'm not saying this is paranormal but just VERY weird, you can hear below in the link its the voice of a young child.

let me know what you think!

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Reply by Hiraeth Bokyo 望郷


Nope none have kids everyone was home alone 

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Reply by Lindsay


Thats really scary wtf and also I love Cod

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Reply by Zombie/Robbie
