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Everybody on here is so American it's funny

Posted by jamie


Forum: News and Politics

The vast majority if not all of the posts here seem to be confused American liberals and "leftists". Politics has a wider scope and can be studied like the science it truly is through the lens of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Mao.

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Reply by Evan⸸⛧


" Yerm communism is when the government does stuff and capitalism is when trade stuff"

"I'm a communist but [insert anticommunist propaganda]"

"BIDENOMICS!!!!" [Insert blue hat] "TRUMPONOMICS!!!" [Insert red hat]

"Boom and bust cycles are actually a feature of capitalism not an issue"

"HEY LIBERALS [insert neoliberalism with outwardly racist/sexist/xenophobic comment"

"HEY CONSERVATIVES [insert also neoliberalism with pretentious "anti"(but still) racist/sexist/xenophobic comment"

"IN THIS COUNTRY YOU'RE EITHER (business party) RED OR (business party) BLUE"

>[2001] "WE NEED TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ!!!" *20 years later* "Yeah I was totally against the war in Iraq"

>[2024] "I STAND WITH ISRAEL!!!!!!!!" *5 years later* "Yeah I was on Palestine's side, Israel literally committed a genocide. In fact, I actually volunteered in Palestine when it was going on ... In fact I'm also Aaron Bushnell"

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Reply by Rosesofblood


having fun with your soyjack screenplay script evan..?

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Reply by memur


only in america you can call yourself a communist by voting for neoliberals

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