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Astrology is Bullshit but astronomy is real. 

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Reply by Melrose


Let people believe what they want to believe. You are not their guide or their master. You must find peace in that for yourself.

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Reply by Robot


I am an astronomer and not an astronomer

I believe in astrology, but not the science. My views are that there are two types:

Astronomical, where I am an astrophotographer, and Astronomical, where I am an astronomer and the other is not

Astrological, where my opinion is based purely on the scientific evidence.

The two are different.


Astrology has two major parts:

The "Cosmology" section of the Astrological Chart is based purely upon observations made during a certain period in the history of astronomy (i.e. during a period that was very close to that of the past)

The Astrology Section has been based purely upon observation of a particular object or object that has the same physical characteristics as the Astrological Section

I am a geoscientist, not an astronomer. I am interested only to know what I am doing, what is going on, and what is going on.

I have a very good knowledge of astrology and astronomy (as I know how astrological astronomy operates, but not as I am a scientist) so I will try to explain it. However, I have no idea if there are many people out there, so if you are one, you can help by sharing the knowledge. If I am correct in my knowledge of Astrology, then I will be more than happy to share my observations and to give you my opinion.

I have a great understanding of the physical world, the laws of motion and of gravity. I have a strong belief that astrology has the power to create the world around me. I do believe there exists an infinite number of universes and the laws are not all the same.

My main concern is that there may exist many different universes and there may not be many different types of planets and there may be many different types of stars. There may exist different types of stars, but the universe does NOT have to contain all the different types of stars that I have seen and know about in my time and space, but I am very interested in finding the best way of understanding all the possible types of planets in my own galaxy, galaxy, galaxy cluster and even in other stars. I have been in contact with some people in my community

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