To an outsider it may look crazy, but Argentina has a plathera of political and economical issues that originated in the 20th century and have been amplified in the last couple of decades. During this period, Peronists and Kirchnerists, both of which are left-leaning factions, made up most of the presidencies and majority in congress.
To give you an idea of how bad things are, the annual inflation rate is at 140% compared to 8.29% world average. Poverty is about 50% with extreme poverty (not being able to afford food) around 10%. Minimum wage is about 146 USD per month (market exchange rate). Pressure on taxpayers is unconcievable; if you want to buy a product or service from a foreign country you would have to pay a 155% tax on it ($5 subscription becomes $12.75) and yet somehow the country has always been in deficit.
These numbers only get worse as time moves on.
The contant state of decline of the country unsurprisingly lead people to opt for a change of direction, which meant voting a candidate with radically opposing views. Miei wants to reduce government spending and reduce taxes as much as possible to stabilize the economy.